misosoup and Herbert, Thanks for sharing your experiences and what has helped you! I will pass along this information to my husband. I did find a few scientific studies that show improvement in RA with a vegan diet: http://rheumatology.oxfordjournals.o...0/10/1175.full http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10479237 I have been advocating for more vegan friendly food at the medical complex where I work for some time. In fact I spent a bit of money and donated a book called "Vegan in Volume" designed for vegan institutional cooking (with lots of recipes and information about vegan health and so on) for various groups (elderly, sick, students..) to the director of Nutrition Services with a letter attached. That was a month ago and I have not even received an acknowledgement or thank you for the donation. Hospitals are sorely behind the rest of the world in food nutrition which is appalling.