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Thread: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

  1. #51
    Mari's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    The lamest is probably this: " because animals have so low intelligent's that means they are made for us to torture and eat"
    and: " plants die too, you are killing more eating plants than eating meat"
    and: " vegetarians are bad for the environment because of the soy" (which is grown for farm animals)

  2. #52
    kokopelli's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Hello harpy I'm OK thanks, it's nice to see you're still here!

    I've read that weird 'eating animals is loving them' argument that MarieAnn mentioned...I think it's sometimes inspired by hunter-gatherer respect for nature, but romanticised and transposed into modern western industrial society, where it has no integrity. In any case, it seems the Inuit at least are aware of the drawbacks of a death-dependent lifestyle, summed up in this quote:

    'The great peril of our existence lies in the fact that our diet consists entirely of souls'.

    vegeTERIan, it sounds like those doctors should be sent on a nutrition training course!
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  3. #53

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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote kokopelli View Post
    In any case, it seems the Inuit at least are aware of the drawbacks of a death-dependent lifestyle, summed up in this quote:

    'The great peril of our existence lies in the fact that our diet consists entirely of souls'.
    Is that really an Inuit saying? That's really amazing... I wish all societies could have this much insight!

  4. #54
    Gwydion's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    What do you call an Eskimo from Essex?

    An Inuit innit.
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  5. #55

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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Gwydion View Post
    What do you call an Eskimo from Essex?

    An Inuit innit.
    This is the lamest excuse thread, not the lamest joke thread

  6. #56
    Gwydion's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Let the music mend our minds. Let the music bend our minds.

  7. #57

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    I can do an even lamer joke.

    Q. What do you call an Inuit snowhouse without toilet facilities?

    A. An ig.

    Last edited by leedsveg; Dec 17th, 2011 at 03:36 PM.

  8. #58
    kokopelli's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    I love the Inuit jokes!

    Someone said 'I'd love to be vegetarian but I don't eat vegetables' to me a few days ago. Recently a few meat eaters have commented that they don't understand why vegetarians would want to eat (for example) fake chicken, because surely a vegetarian wouldn't want to eat fake chicken if they avoid real chicken.

    I say that if someone who wants to give up meat, but likes the taste of it, finds that fake meat helps them stop eating real meat, then why not? People don't seem to realise that fake meat has been around for hundreds of years. For example, tofu and seitan were formed into 'mock duck' etc. and served at Buddhist temple restaurants to help wean people off meat.
    once in a while you can get shown the light
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  9. #59

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    [QUOTE=vegandingo;697617]Number one would be the lame, lame "If we weren't meant to eat animals then why are they made out of meat?" [QUOTE]

    WE are "made out of meat" too! eeewwwww. last year we had to dissect human cadavers at school, and it was incredibly disturbing to realize that you could easily put a human trapezius in a pan, sear it and tell people it's a butterfly steak, and most people probably wouldn't know the difference. The meat cuts that my roommates would prepare looked not much different from what we cut off the cadavers in lab. I was only vegetarian then, not yet vegan, but man I was so glad I wasn't a meat-eater during/after that class! I think I would have been sick.

  10. #60

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    I never understand meat eater who complain about vegans and vegetarians eating fake meat. It seems to me that they don't understand the concept of being vegan. They think you just don't like meat.

  11. #61
    Ladygold's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Mymblesdaughter View Post
    I never understand meat eater who complain about vegans and vegetarians eating fake meat. It seems to me that they don't understand the concept of being vegan. They think you just don't like meat.
    I Know!!!!!

    People who I otherwise thought were pretty smart just asked me that recently. I explained "fake" meant not real and I really just mind the killing/ tourture/ and decomposed animal parts myself.

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  12. #62
    jaxxxxx's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    I'm not sure if anyone posted this yet, but "Where am I going to get my protein and calcium?" Also, "Because meat tastes good". I also hate when people say when I tell them I'm vegan, "But if you're not killing them to drink their milk, then there's nothing wrong with it."

  13. #63
    rosederwelt's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    I just remembered something I heard a lot as a child: That cows' farts are poisonous and pollute the Earth, so we need to kill them to avoid destroying the atmosphere. SO IRONIC IT'S PAINFUL.

  14. #64
    Purepsycho's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    On saturday when talking about using wool from sheep and then eating them my mum said, 'but that life is all that animal has ever known, so its ok'

  15. #65

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Hey guys,

    I just got this comment:

    'Hey I completely understand your way of live, and if the moral view of being a vegan makes you feel better than I'm happy for you. I personally believe eating meat and all together animals eating other animals is just the natural way of life (food chain, circle of life, etc). Honestly if no animals were hunted for food than the earth would quickly become overpopulated with certain animals and the balance of nature's animals would become disturbed. Animals in the wild eat other animals for a reason.

    At the end of the day, each person is gonna follow their way of life (including diet) the way they want to. I personally don't hunt, but I enjoy eating meat and I personally believe it to be a necessity for me to obtain to nutrients I need. All in all there's no reason we can't all get along! After all, you're one less person I have to worry about sharing my steak with.'

  16. #66

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Has anyone else noticed the unfortunate link people make between being a 'alpha male' and a non-vegan diet?

    I think they would come around if they thought about it for a moment; I mean I can't think of anything more opposing to that stereotype than adopting a diet that causes cruelty to poor defenseless animals.

  17. #67
    rosederwelt's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote airalien View Post
    Has anyone else noticed the unfortunate link people make between being a 'alpha male' and a non-vegan diet?

    I think they would come around if they thought about it for a moment; I mean I can't think of anything more opposing to that stereotype than adopting a diet that causes cruelty to poor defenseless animals.

    It's absolutely ridiculous. For some reason they consider a plant based diet to be "girly" (read: "wimpy"). The latest incidence of this was when my brother was making some chicken dish the other day and my dad said, "let him... he's a boy, he needs his meat".


    I can't wait til I get out of this house, I encounter so much anti-vegan rubbish from my own family members each day.

  18. #68
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote rosederwelt View Post
    For some reason they consider a plant based diet to be "girly"

    I haven't heard that one before.... try showing them this link:
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

  19. #69

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    Yes airalien I've noticed this quite a bit. I got one particular friend who's like it. I presume it's all tied in to men being the hunters and women being gatherers. It's a shame really some people haven't evolved.

  20. #70

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    When I was introduced to my friends partner and it was mentioned that I was vegan he said he could never possibly think of even going vegetarian cos he needs and loves meat soooo much and anyway its "more of a thing for chicks (ladies)". Bullshit.

  21. #71

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote rosederwelt View Post
    For some reason they consider a plant based diet to be "girly" (read: "wimpy"). The latest incidence of this was when my brother was making some chicken dish the other day and my dad said, "let him... he's a boy, he needs his meat".
    Not an uncommon view among the people I've known. My revenge will be to outlive them all, I say jokingly.


  22. #72
    porcupine_treats's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote vegandingo View Post
    Number two has to be "I can't be a vegetarian because I don't have the right blood type."
    Aha someone said that to be last week.
    Also: "the male chickens will all fight and kill each other anyway"
    Also I like it when you tell someone you're vegan and they start trying to justify themselves, like "I only eat free range meat" or "I don't eat meat much".
    I love asking meat eaters if they would eat a dog or a cat (particularly if they have a dog or a cat as a pet); they're always horrified by the idea, but can't explain how it's different from eating a pig.

  23. #73

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    "cos turkey is better than prozac"

  24. #74
    TheHRchannel's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote porcupine_treats View Post
    Aha someone said that to be last week.
    Also: "the male chickens will all fight and kill each other anyway"
    Also I like it when you tell someone you're vegan and they start trying to justify themselves, like "I only eat free range meat" or "I don't eat meat much".
    I love asking meat eaters if they would eat a dog or a cat (particularly if they have a dog or a cat as a pet); they're always horrified by the idea, but can't explain how it's different from eating a pig.
    The omnivores didn't even bother to see what free range really is. I told them it only refers to what animals are fed but the killing methods are the same.

  25. #75

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    A close friend of mine said "I would go vegan, but a lot of my friends are doing it and I don't want to follow the trend." What nonsense

  26. #76
    rosederwelt's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Not an "excuse" as such, but this obnoxious person yesterday said in front of me - and two vegetarians - 'At this camp I was at, Wednesday was veg day. Why the hell should we have go without meat for the sake of what, 12 people?'

    I was so shocked, I didn't know what to say. One meal without meat? Boo hoo.

    This was also after the other meat eater at the table had said although she loved meat, it was nice to have vegetable curries, etc. So the meat-fanatic wasn't really going to get anyone to agree with her.

  27. #77

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    I find it so ironic when people say: "I love animals, I'd never hurt them, but I couldn't give up meat..."

    I also find it hypocritical when there is a report of animal abuse on the news and there is an outcry from people who think it's wrong and disgusting, while at the same time, they're tucking into their meat-based dinner and shaking their heads at what a disgusting world we live in, for such cruel acts to happen on such innocent animals.

  28. #78
    sigen92's Avatar
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    "God created us to eat animals! It's our responsibility to comtrol the animal population so that there won't be too many of them!"

    And you do that by factory-farming them?!
    Why kill when you have the choice to avoid it?

  29. #79
    enchantedgypsy25's Avatar
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    i've only been Vegan for 10 months and i've not had many discussions about it in truth so i have no first hand excuses to share, although i have seen plenty online 'n' such.

    The thing that always irritates me when people say they love animals and yet consume animal products still (like everyone in my family). All animals, like all people deserve respect, love and freedom. Having spent all my life living with my family (i am 26, closing in on 27), since going Vegan i find it harder and harder each day to cope with the amount of animal based products they consume and use daily.

    Of course i understand every Vegan is on a mission to create a better world for all upon the earth and changes to society take time but peoples reasons for not wanting to Vegan are really hard to understand, especially those that start with "i would go Vegan but..." because they seem to fully acknowledge the abuse, murder and slavery but for some purely selfish reason they won't make the change in their lives.

    Still onwards i'll press to make the Vegan word heard and no lame excuses will do.

  30. #80
    Kat_90's Avatar
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    "If I learned myself about factory farming, it would probably put me off as I love animals. But I just love cheese too much."

  31. #81

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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    These are the ones i have heard
    Too old too change
    I like the taste
    Dont like vegetables
    all my friends eat meat
    costs too much
    i am too lazy
    vegans are unhealthy
    freedom of choice
    humans matter more than animals
    have no time to cook
    not enough places to eat vegan at
    God allows to kill and eat animals
    vegans are weird
    vegans act superior
    its not healthy
    if everyone went vegan were would the people in slaughter houses work?
    I dont want too!

  32. #82
    verdeleaf's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Today, I was told that the person could "understand my logic" of following a vegan lifestyle, but they would never be able to do it because:

    "I would die. I need to eat, you see. I only eat 2/3 kinds of vegetables, really, so without meat, I would be very, very ill. I could also never live without chocolate. I love chocolate too much to ever give it up."

    They also told me they would never be able to watch something like Earthlings, because it's too upsetting for them, even though they are "aware" of what a chicken or a cow is, they would prefer to separate what it is and what sits on their plate... *sigh*

    I also heard this one today, too: I wish I could be a vegetarian, but the diet made me extremely sick. I found out I'm anemic and I have to consume a certain amount of seafood each day.
    Last edited by verdeleaf; Feb 28th, 2012 at 07:29 PM.

  33. #83

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Funny because vegetarians are less likely to become anaemic than meat eaters.

  34. #84
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    I don't know if anyone hard this before but an omnivore told me "I can't go vegan because I don't have the technology for it."

  35. #85

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote sigen92 View Post
    "God created us to eat animals! It's our responsibility to comtrol the animal population so that there won't be too many of them!"

    And you do that by factory-farming them?!
    I have heard this one countless times from my husbands family, that God commanded man to eat animals. People like to use the permission from God excuse for many things, and like to believe everything put on this planet is simply for our benefit, as if without humans the world would fall apart. I would guess quite the contrary.

    Another one is justifying eating eggs because "they would go to waste anyway if not eaten because the hen would still lay them.". Without human intervention hens lay far far less eggs.

  36. #86

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    I always find that if you are talking to someone who is religious and they say "God created animals for us to eat" I point out to them Adam and Eve ate a vegan diet it was only after the fall that humans started to eat animals. So Gods ideal was to not eat animals it was only once sin entered the world that people started to kill animals. Of course it's not going to turn anyone Vegan but it has stopped a few arguments.

  37. #87

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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Mymblesdaughter View Post
    "God created animals for us to eat"
    When someone says this to me I respond in one of two ways - either "Humans are animals as well, does that make it OK for us to eat each other?" or "Maybe God did make animals for us to eat, but I'll err on the side of caution and ask him/her when I meet them".

  38. #88

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    If you reply "He told me differently" they think you are making fun of them / their religion, are disrespectful, lying, or plain old crazy. So what good is a God if he can't just talk to people. It's not like you're claiming to be his son, or that he said to slaughter your first born or something...

  39. #89

    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Mymblesdaughter View Post
    I always find that if you are talking to someone who is religious and they say "God created animals for us to eat" I point out to them Adam and Eve ate a vegan diet it was only after the fall that humans started to eat animals. So Gods ideal was to not eat animals it was only once sin entered the world that people started to kill animals. Of course it's not going to turn anyone Vegan but it has stopped a few arguments.
    Actually, according to the bible, God created animals before he created man. After creating man, He ruled that man was to rule over and subdue the animals and earth but as far as food God gave man every seed bearing plant and every tree that had fruit bearing seed in it for food and He also gave this same food for animals (no mention of man eating the animals until after the flood as you specified). (Genesis 1:24-30). I have also made this point in arguments with literal bible followers but they still contend that God ordered man to eat animals after the flood so it is supposedly what He wants from us. Sighs. I also have a hard time with bible study because much of the writers of the various parts of the bible (God inspired or not) are influenced by the culture of their day. And the various writings in the bible have been translated thousands of times over thousands of years. What we know as the Christian bible today may be nothing like the original writings. But when I try to explain this view I am accused of having no faith. I just can not imagine a God that condones the brutal taking of a life for food we do not need to live and for slavery to make our own lives more pleasurable.

  40. #90

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    " I understand your logic behind it, but you have to keep in mind that not all farmers are the same. My family have been growing pigs and caws and we love them and take a good care of them!"... yeah, and then what? Don't you slaughter them and sell their meat? And don't you take "good care" of them so they "taste" better and have a higher selling point, because they have been organically taken good care of?

  41. #91

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    I was once told by a rather intelligent person "But cows need to be milked!"
    Uhmmmm if we weren't milking them constantly they wouldn't produce it, same as humans.. To be fair when I explained this he realized he was completely wrong!
    "I've had but I don't know how to cook." I you can't cook now, what the hell do you eat now?
    McDonald's probably haha. They are rather weird things to even use as an excuse, I would be ashamed to say something like that.

  42. #92

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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Jeorjette92 View Post
    I was once told by a rather intelligent person "But cows need to be milked!"...
    So many people think that, it so weird. I talked to a woman that had two kids of her own and she didn't knew that a cow needs to give birth before she lactates. Intelligent species my ass

  43. #93

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    Quote CoolCat View Post
    So many people think that, it so weird. I talked to a woman that had two kids of her own and she didn't knew that a cow needs to give birth before she lactates. Intelligent species my ass
    I know right!! Some people are just so ignorant.
    I've also been told only Blood Type A can be Vegan hahaha.
    So stupid!! =[

  44. #94
    Miss_Bovine_Devine's Avatar
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    Quote CoolCat View Post
    So many people think that, it so weird. I talked to a woman that had two kids of her own and she didn't knew that a cow needs to give birth before she lactates. Intelligent species my ass
    *blushes* That was me until about three weeks ago. It’s so ridiculous now when I look back on it, but I honestly never questioned why a cow lactated, or why a chicken lay eggs…I just figured that it was something that they did naturally, and humans were just being helpful and managing something that served no real purpose to the animal providing it. Stupid, right? Ignorance is bliss I guess.

  45. #95
    Daffodil's Avatar
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    Someone told me the other day they can't be vegan cause they love the runny bit in an egg too much!

  46. #96
    CATWOMAN sandra's Avatar
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    ^ Oh dear, I feel a bit sick now.

  47. #97
    Miss_Vegan's Avatar
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    Lamest excuse I ever heard was from my sister. 'Oh I could never be veg*n, I don't like beans' ?!

  48. #98
    LouiseAbel's Avatar
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    All of them. I'm sorry.

  49. #99
    LouiseAbel's Avatar
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    Quote Robinwomb View Post
    Actually, according to the bible, God created animals before he created man. After creating man, He ruled that man was to rule over and subdue the animals and earth but as far as food God gave man every seed bearing plant and every tree that had fruit bearing seed in it for food and He also gave this same food for animals (no mention of man eating the animals until after the flood as you specified). (Genesis 1:24-30). I have also made this point in arguments with literal bible followers but they still contend that God ordered man to eat animals after the flood so it is supposedly what He wants from us. Sighs. I also have a hard time with bible study because much of the writers of the various parts of the bible (God inspired or not) are influenced by the culture of their day. And the various writings in the bible have been translated thousands of times over thousands of years. What we know as the Christian bible today may be nothing like the original writings. But when I try to explain this view I am accused of having no faith. I just can not imagine a God that condones the brutal taking of a life for food we do not need to live and for slavery to make our own lives more pleasurable.
    Honestly, who gives a crap what God made animals for? Can't you figure out your own opinions? God also made rabbit-like vibrators - doesn't mean we all have to use them.

    Edit: Oops, I don't mean YOU, by the way, Robin. I mean "Can't one figure out one's own opinions?"
    Last edited by LouiseAbel; Mar 30th, 2012 at 06:06 PM. Reason: I sounded really rude.

  50. #100
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    Default Re: What's the lamest excuse you ever heard as to why people eat meat?

    "I don't have time".

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