Oh that's ok LouiseAbel I didnt take it as directed toward me at all! I agree with you wholeheartedly. I really struggle with the church since becoming vegan. I really have to separate out my own faith and spirituality from the teachings of the "church". I also find the attitudes of a lot of the Christians where I live to be quite flippant towards non human life. I have had horrible reactions from church members I have told about my veganism. People at work are supportive and interested and even at my doctors office they at least show a little interest but my "friends" from church have not been so nice about it. One said she thought I was wasting my time worrying about animals that were meant to be eaten anyway and that there were human causes that were more worth the time. Never mind the effect that mass killing and consumption of animals is having on us as a human species lot alone the horrific way animals, creatures created by God, are treated and the violence and damage we are causing the earth. There is an attitude among a lot of Christians that humans are the center of the universe.