I am writing to ask for your help to find information about veganism in your countries. More specifically I am looking for information what is the official position (if there is any) of high-level health institution (such as Ministry of Health) on vegetarian/vegan diets in each country. I do that mainly for two reasons: 1) to help vegans build more convincing argument to encourage governments in their countries to acknowledge vegan diets as nutritionally adequate; and 2) to document this aspect of veganism mainstream acceptance.

I would be really thankful if you could share any relevant information and spread this message to people from different countries. Ideally I need the exact phrasing of governmental position (e.g."vegan diet is suitable for people of all age groups" or "vegans of all types can achieve recommended nutrient intakes") both in official language and translated to English, and its source (preferably a link to the specific document).

I am planing to make gathered information available on the internet (e.g. by updating wikipedia page about veganism).

Thank you!

P.S. sometimes "vegetarian" or "strict vegetarian" is used instead of "vegan". In such case, governmental position on "vegetarian" diet is fine, too.