I just read this article and commented the following which I got 7 thumbs down for:
It's interesting how many people are against animal cruelty but think nothing when they bite into their tesco value steak or roast chicken...I don't think organic is an option either but it would be a good start...if you can't afford organic you do better not to eat meat at all..people only eat it cause it tastes good...
I had the following replies:
Stupid comment !!
Vegetable are living things as well. But I expect you eat them.
to which I replied:
Stupid comment?Wow,people are so ignorant...ever had a look into factory farming?That is REAL animal cruelty made legal!And you complain about people who kick their pets...and regarding vegetables:they can't feel pain and even if, that doesn't justify to treat animals badly..like saying, "oh veggies are living things so I might as welll eat animals too"..a cute bunny is in most peoples eyes woth more than a cow or a pig!Who makes these rules for goodness sakes?Learn cooking and eat some beans for goodness sakes - might save you a coronary anyway...
I mean how stupid are people??? They could at least admit that it would be a better choice but find it hard to do it - but saying that I am stupid although the analogy makes perfect sense is just unbelievable...I really don't get it :-(