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Thread: Non-health benefits in going raw vegan?

  1. #1
    TheHRchannel's Avatar
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    Houston, Texas

    Default Non-health benefits in going raw vegan?

    I want to go from vegan to raw vegan for health but I want to know if there's more benefits if one goes raw vegan.

  2. #2
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Winchester, England

    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    Is there even a health benefit? I don't think that's been proven.
    "I don't want to live on this planet any more" - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

  3. #3

    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    1. Yes. Because there is no cooking or processing there is no pollution involved. No big factories making"food," no gas stoves cooking, no microwaves giving off radiation.
    2. It has been proven that raw is healthy.

  4. #4
    LouiseAbel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    I suppose not using the cooker means it could be better for the environment, if you're actually eating raw stuff rather than using all those gadgets to process everything anyway... But it also depends on where you're getting your food from/air miles/etc.

  5. #5
    LouiseAbel's Avatar
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    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    Quote skylarruloff View Post
    1. Yes. Because there is no cooking or processing there is no pollution involved.
    From what I've seen, a lot of raw food is still processed using dehydrators, blenders, juicers, etc.

  6. #6
    Not real name!
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    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    Can anyone provide a link to proper scientific, peer reviewed studies that show that eating raw is better for you than not?

  7. #7
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Other than health, is there a benefit in going raw vegan?

    Risker/Glen - if you want a discussion about whether there are any benefits in eating raw, please start a new thread.... this thread is about non-health aspects of eating raw, and you have already made it clear that you aren't sure if there are any health benefits of eating raw.

    TheHRchannel and skylarruloff - if you want to promote the idea that a raw vegan diet generally is more healthy than a non-raw vegan diet, please post links to sources in a separate thread.

    Here are some existing threads which to some degree cover that topic:
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

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