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Thread: vegans in the GTA?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Ontario, Canada

    Default vegans in the GTA?

    I recently decided to get back into forums and was curious if there were any other vegans in the GTA. It would be nice to chat with people that I have the potential of actually meeting one day. I know there are tons in Toronto itself (ack I just missed veggie pride and am now kicking myself!) but I am out in Oakvile and am curious if there are any vegans on this site in the less populated cities of the GTA.

    Peace and hugs!

  2. #2
    Boodler pusskins's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Norwich, Norfolk, United Kingd

    Default Re: vegans in the GTA?

    Sorry to appear a fool, but does GTA mean the Greater Toronto Area? As opposed to Grand Theft Auto? (as I originally read it as!) Nice to meet you!
    "You're right, Jackie. The Fonz could beat up Bruce Lee."

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Default Re: vegans in the GTA?

    I'm a year behind you, but I'm here in Mississauga. I was mostly vegetarian for several years, then vegetarian completely this year, and eating vegan. A short while ago I decided to stop using animal products completely, and have been swapping for better choices as permitted. Eating vegan was a lot easier than going all-the-way...but it helps being in a diverse city in the GTA. It also helps having internet, access to information, lists, and my ex-husband's girlfriend has been vegan for decades and is a wonderful support person and resource. Maybe we can share local anectdotes if you're still around

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