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Thread: 'Weird' thought on meat industry -V- holocaust

  1. #1
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default 'Weird' thought on meat industry -V- holocaust

    Brains are like small children, sometimes, I think ...

    Like if you don't keep a carefull eye on them at all times then they are prone to wandering off, somewhere out of sight, and getting up to mischeif on their own?

    Mine took a little wander this morning and, when I found it, it was sitting, quite happily, in a corner playing with a box of matches, a can of lighter fuel and some random holocaust analogies.

    Holocaust: Industrialised slaugher of an inherently finite number of sentient beings. Number of victims being finite, total sum of suffering = finite too.

    Meat Industry: Self perpetuating (by virtue of breeding programmes) industrialised slaughter of an inherently in-finite number of sentient beings. Number of victims being infinite, total sum of suffering = infinite too.

    Anyways, if the above is correct (which it is) then the following must be correct also:

    Even if the individual victims of the meat industry have only one billion,billion,billionth of the capacity to suffer that the individual victims of a human holocaust had/have, then;

    Any finite quantity is always as a single squirt of gnat's pee in all the oceans of all the world compared to an infinite quantity.

    So the holocaust, amount/value of life lost/suffering caused, must be as a single squirt of gnat's pee in all the oceans of all the world compared the amount/value of life lost/suffering caused by the meat industry.

    Anyways that's where my head was when I finaly found it. Just thought I'd share
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  2. #2
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Weird' thought on meat industry -V- holocaust

    Very sad but completely right

  3. #3
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: 'Weird' thought on meat industry -V- holocaust

    Quote BellaTanie View Post
    Very sad but completely right
    Come the day I plan to turn my decommisioned local branch of McMurders into a tourist attraction Bella.

    Like they did with Auschwitz.
    All done in the best possible taste ...

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