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Thread: "Would you eat your dog?" (PETA to Nevada kids)

  1. #1

    Default "Would you eat your dog?" (PETA to Nevada kids)

    A billboard that will be placed outside Nevada public schools is sure to make for interesting Thanksgiving dinner conversation, that is, if kids let the turkey make it to the table.

    PETA plans to place a billboard that reads, "KIDS: If you wouldn't eat your dog, why eat a turkey? Go vegan," with a picture of a dog head on a turkey body, near Reno public schools.

    Similar ads will be run outside public schools in California, and were placed in Canada in September.
    "Kids love animals, and if they thought about how turkeys feel pain and fear just as dogs and cats do, they want to switch out those drumsticks for Tofurky," Marta Homlberg, associate director of Youth Outreach Campaigns for peta2 said in a press release.

    "This Thanksgiving, families can give turkeys something to be thankful for by choosing delicious vegan meals."

    But not everyone is as excited about this billboard as PETA. The billboard ran in Canada during the country's Thanksgiving season and was met with resistance from turkey producers.
    "It's not classy, and not tasteful," Bill Uruski, chairman of the Turkey Producers in Canada told The Winnipeg Sun.

    PETA is also offering free tombstones for kids to stick into the Thanksgiving turkey. The tombstone reads, "Here Lies the Corpse of a Tortured Bird."
    Children can visit the website and request a tombstone in the mail for free as long as they tell PETA why they don’t eat turkey. There is also the option to download the tombstone and tape to a toothpick.
    "Thanksgiving is a time for reflection and kindness, and we should not celebrate this by eating the decomposing corpse of a tortured bird," Lauren Stroyeck, a PETA spokeswoman told The Winnipeg Sun.
    "I don't think it will have any traction," Uruski said.

    Original here: :

    Respect for all living entities

  2. #2
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I predict increased of sales soap powder as omni parents have to wash this "Pet animal, food animal; What's the real difference?" 'nonsense' out of their kiddies heads this year.

    That accompanied by cries of "f'ing vegans trying to brain wash our kids again!"
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  3. #3
    Jekyll's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I'm a bit torn with this one. I'm not sure it's right to target children in this way? If you can get children to understand the benifits of being Vegan, that's great. But without their parents support, I'm not sure how easy it would be for them to change their lifestyle?

  4. #4
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    Me too, though part of me thinks that children (like everyone else) have a right to hear both sides of the story.

    I think it would be better to target the campaign at everyone, not just children - less contentious and anyway it's not always going to be the children that are most responsive IMO.

  5. #5
    CATWOMAN sandra's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I think it's a good idea. If the seeds are sown in children from an early age it might change the way they view eating animals. If parents are so sure eating animals is ok then they shouldn't fear their children being told the truth about it.
    I like Sandra, she keeps making me giggle. Daft little lady - Frosty

  6. #6

    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I'm torn. Sure, it's great to encourage children to think about this stuff.

    Then again, don't we criticise MacDonald's for aggressive marketing to children? I guess it's not the same, though.
    "Eventually, I realised that the reason I was so angry was because I want people in the world to be well." - Ian MacKaye

  7. #7
    Johnstuff's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I agree that maybe they could have just not put "kids" on it. Surely the complexity of the argument is unchanged so kids would still understand it. Then they could avoid all the criticism the're sure to get for "targeting" kids.

  8. #8
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I dont think it will make much of a difference bc without parent approval the kids will eat turkey.

  9. #9
    Jekyll's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    I think it's a good idea to educate kids, so they can make informed choices, and it will be easier, I think, for them to change their habits when they are older. Targeting children like this though will just make their parents even more deffensive and resistant to change...

  10. #10
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    Quote Wraithling View Post
    Then again, don't we criticise MacDonald's for aggressive marketing to children? I guess it's not the same, though.
    About the same difference as tobacco companies and anti-smoking campaigners both aggresively 'marketing' to children I would have said.

    If the filth-peddlars didn't aggressively market to children then the anti-filth guys wouldn't have to be countering it all the time though.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Jekyll View Post
    Targeting children like this though will just make their parents even more deffensive and resistant to change...
    Same thought crossed my mind Jekkyl.

    More so I was thinking this: Parental instinct reacts badly against anything they percieve to be 'taking their children away from them'.

    Distinct danger that the more outside pressure put on children to adopt a greater compassion towards animals than their parents have will be met with ever increasing parental efforts to 'brutalise' them.
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  11. #11
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: PETA to Nevada kids: Would you eat your dog?

    That is a good point. My kids used to ask to go to McDonalds after seeing a commercial....

  12. #12
    Jekyll's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Would you eat your dog?" (PETA to Nevada kids)

    I take it you didn't take them to McDonalds after they asked? I guess it's the same for omni parents. They're not gonna do something just because the child asks. Maybe we should concentrate on educating the parents, as they know what's best for their children and it's very hard to mess with that.

  13. #13
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Would you eat your dog?" (PETA to Nevada kids)

    Nope sure didn't (:

  14. #14
    Jekyll's Avatar
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    Default Re: "Would you eat your dog?" (PETA to Nevada kids)

    Cos you know what's best for your children. So if an omni's child comes home and says they want to be veggie/vegan, the parents will probably still feed them meat cos they know what's best for their child too! It's a tough situation, I think educating the parent AND child is the key..?

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