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Thread: nut loaf not safe for children????

  1. #1
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default nut loaf not safe for children????

    This lady at my husband's work asked him where we are getting our turkey this year. He explained his wife is vegan so we will be having nut loaf instead. This lady had the nerve to say "doesnt she know nuts are bad for kids?" My children are all over 1 yr old (the age my doctor said to wait until they ate nuts)...I am so sick of my parental choices being attacked. Especially when I know what they are eating is best for them. No instead of a healthy protein packed nutloaf I should be in search of a slaughtered hormone induced, urine packed turkey to feed them. Wtf is wrong with people? I would never make any comments about someone else's parental choices, especially if it just was because they are different from my own beliefs. Who does she think she is? Sorry just needed to vent.....

  2. #2
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    Sigh, is that the same coworker that you said was worrying about your children's nutrition before, or a different one? Suppose you could send her some leaflets to correct her misapprehensions but it doesn't sound as if it would do much good :/

  3. #3
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    Yes that is the one. I wanted to send her a slap yesterday lol

  4. #4
    Draíochta Blueberries's Avatar
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    Quote BellaTanie View Post
    This lady had the nerve to say "doesnt she know nuts are bad for kids?"
    My mother wouldn't let us have nuts when we were kids but I think she was more afraid of us choking on them than being allergic to them. There's nothing wrong with nuts for kids, obviously when they're properly ground up/cooked.
    Houmous atá ann!

  5. #5
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    I guess she thinks it will make them have allergies???? Idk what she is talking about.

  6. #6

    Join Date
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    Ah BellaTanie, there are a lot of idiots in this world and you seem to meeting more than your fair share of them.

    There are a few different ways of responding to them, it is best for your own sanity to find one that gives you most happiness and lowest blood pressure. Um, so long as you don't slap too many, that leads to complications Trying to explain is usually, in my experience anyway, a waste of time. Something like 'I've done my research and am happy I'm doing the right thing' works for me, repeating more or less the same thing along with 'I don't want to argue with you, I've researched this, taken medical advice and am happy I'm doing the right thing' ad infinitum.

    I hope you and the family enjoy the nut loaf.

  7. #7
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    I love that Gattona! It sure does seem like a waste of time trying to explain anything. I wish I had a book of Cupid's witty lines that I could just pull out of my pocket at any given moment lol. I usually end up saying something like "these r my kids, I will raise them how I want" or "how I choose to live is my business".

  8. #8
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    And purely because of its depiction of an omni being confronted by arguments even more more bat-eared and woefully ill-informed than some of the arguments that omnis often make ...
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  9. #9
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: nut loaf not safe for children????

    I have 104 friends lol too funny Cupid

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