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Thread: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cornwall, England

    Smile Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    I am looking to find somebody to rent a room in my house in Morvah, Cornwall. It is a perfect little cottage (though quite small) looking out at the sea, minutes walk away from endless beauty.
    I can't pay the rent on my own and have a spare room but i can only live with a fellow vegan or herbivore, i can't have people cooking meat, eggs and dairy products in my house. Also, strange as this may sound, they have to be female for energy balance. I feel more comfortable and harmonised sharing a house with a female. I am very sensitive to people's energy and know few people i could share a house with whilst remaining spiritually well balanced. Obviously this will make it much harder to find a housemate, but these things are important to me.
    I also have a little lady cat, Eva, so the person needs to like cats. She's very friendly and affectionate and usually feeds herself.
    I am a musician and enjoy having a collaborative artistic space, so it would be great to find another artist or musician to live with.
    Everything is here, just need someone to take the room. I will take some pictures of the house to post soon, but please message me if you have any interest or questions.
    Also, i am a very good cook!

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Default Re: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    Good luck with finding the right person, quite a lot of me wishes I could just upsticks and move in with you.

  3. #3
    baffled harpy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    Me too, although I don't think I'm female enough to balance anyone's energy Hope you find someone, Kian

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cornwall, England

    Default Re: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    Thanks. I think I got it sorted anyway, seemed like a tall order at first but should go smooth.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Default Re: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    I'm vegan/are you a female?

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Cornwall, England

    Default Re: Vegans in Cornwall. Housemate needed!

    Quote Why? View Post
    I'm vegan/are you a female?
    I got myself a little converted garage for me and my cat so I'm not looking any more.
    and no, I'm male. I just find living situations a lot more comfortable with complimenting female energy so I didn't want a male housemate, Men aren't the same and the energy gets too heavy in spall spaces. I was in a fragile space and would have needed it for balance.
    I hope you find somewhere nice!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Why? View Post
    I'm vegan/are you a female?
    I got myself a little converted garage for me and my cat so I'm not looking any more.
    and no, I'm male. I just find living situations a lot more comfortable with complimenting female energy so I didn't want a male housemate, Men aren't the same and the energy gets too heavy in spall spaces. I was in a fragile space and would have needed it for balance.
    I hope you find somewhere nice!

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