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Thread: "SAD may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare"

  1. #1
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default "SAD may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare"

    Stalking veggies

    Standard American Diet may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare

    A very short excerpt:
    “We’ve known for a long time that a trend toward a plant-based diet is healthier for us,” said Dr. Robert Bonakdar from the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine. “For example, a study earlier this year examining nearly 125,000 subjects found that vegetarians had a 29 percent lower risk of death from heart disease and an overall 18 percent reduced cancer incidence than non-vegetarians.”
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

  2. #2
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: "SAD may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare

    Anecdotal ..

    A freind of mine works for a cancer charity and has done for several years. He/she is not aware of having had any veg*an clients yet.

    Statisticaly if one person in every 100 is veg*an and he/she has seen 1000 clients he/she should have seen 10 veg*an clients by now.

    The 'he/she' thing: Anominity is important because my freind has close to zero confidence that even expressing awareness of the links between cancer and meat may impact negatively on the security of his/her job.
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  3. #3
    Pea-utiful... Peabrain's Avatar
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    Default Re: "SAD may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare

    With so many doctors saying "eat more meat/eggs/milk/etc." they might specifically hide the fact that they don't eat these things, mistakably believing it will be frowned upon. When I was a meat eater, I was told that I had to drink way more milk at one point because of vitamin D/calcium deficiency, and then later a Rheumatologist told me to eat more meat because I was anemic. In the end, it turned out the labs were converting my calcium results incorrectly, and the iron issue was fixed by an operation to, well er, let's just say "prevent" the loss of iron (a female problem - say no more!)... LOL

    I certainly didn't inform my doctor straight away, and when I did, I took a huge mound of paperwork to prove I would still get an adequate diet because I was so concerned it would be poo-pooed (she surprised me and was quite supportive).

    Even if the statistics are wrong, I'm gonna guess that the basic premise of veg*nism becoming more popular is actually true (one can hope). I have found loads of my friends are veg*n and have been for years, but I didn't know this until I shared about my own veganism.

  4. #4
    prudence's Avatar
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    Default Re: "SAD may be trending veggie as people discover less meaty, more healthy fare

    I love this, but get confused as to why isn't this kind of study and medical finding is promoted more?

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