Hi all,
I've been lurking for a while, but I thought I'd post something, especially since I am feeling a bit down.
Due to personal circumstances, I had to move back in with my parents for a little while (luckily, I'm moving out in eight weeks). I went vegan back in November, and it's been tough dealing with my dad on the issue. He is an avid meat eater and takes every opportunity he gets to criticize my veganism and put it down. My parents do very little cooking- if it doesn't come out of a box or a can and can't be microwaved or prepared in under 10 minutes, they don't bother. I grew up on processed foods and the only veggies we ever ate were canned peas coated in so much melted butter that you couldn't even taste the peas anymore.
I buy all my own groceries since they have no interest in going vegan/vegetarian or even eating better foods. I've offered to buy all groceries and cook for them (since they are letting me live rent-free). They liked the idea, and my mom was even very enthusiastic about eating healthier and trying new things. I spent hours on the internet one day and found dozens of recipes that were similar to things they liked to eat; no exotic ingredients, no substitutions, mostly just veggies, grains, and seasonings. I handed them the pile and told them to pick out whatever they wanted and I'd buy everything and do all the cooking. My mom picked out several, but my dad looked through them and responded "there's only one that looks remotely good, but you should add meat to it." I only cooked two meals (and they were delicious meals- spinach enchiladas and veggie pot pies) before my dad had enough of "this depriving way of life with no real food- meat!" After that, they went back to "cooking" for themselves and I cook for myself.
At a holiday gathering, he and a buddy of his loudly criticized veganism, stating that it's a guarantee to be malnourished and that it's a "crazy lifestyle" that only "dumb, tree-hugging hippies who smoke too much crack" would do. (I don't mind being called a tree-hugger or a hippie, but it was clearly meant as an insult in this case.)
Here's the ironic thing- since going vegan, my health has improved tenfold. I've lost a lot of weight, I have more energy, I sleep better, I think clearer, my skin is fresher, and all sorts of things. I feel great and look better than I have in years. My dad, on the other had, has been packing on the pounds, has had to see several doctors for a variety of issues, and even lost not one but TWO friends to heart disease in the last six months. He's been eating a lot more animal products and always seems to make sure to eat in front of me and be over dramatic about how much he's enjoying his food. I've never tried to force my parents into eating or not eating anything- I even told them that if they saw a veggie recipe they really liked but didn't want it vegan, I'd make a non-vegan version for them (hoping to open them up to the idea of eating more plant-based foods and then hoping they would be inspired to transition into full plant-based diet).
Usually, I try not to let it get to me, and I've retorted all my dad's arguments to no avail. He refuses to listen to the pros of veganism, so I've stopped trying to retort altogether (it does nothing but frustrate me). The problem is, though, is that he sees my silence as an admission of being wrong, even going so far as to tell a relative that I know I'm wrong about veganism but am too stubborn to admit it.
How do you deal with someone like this when you have no choice but to live with them (even if it is only temporary)?