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Thread: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

  1. #1
    lil flexxx's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Hamlet NC

    Cool Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    I am a 47 year old former state champion power lifter and bodybuilder. I had been suffering from damaged rotator cuffs among other injuries due to years of heavy lifting. I began my Raw Vegan Diet on 11/01/2012 and now I feel and look younger, stronger and healthier than ever. In the gym while working chest, I had only been able to use the 40 lb dumbbells on the incline dumbbell presses for the past three years. Since starting my Raw Vegan Diet less than six months ago, my joint pain has decreased, I feel and look younger, I have lost 30 lbs of body fat, and my strength has increased to the point that I am now doing reps with the 105 lb dumbbells in the gym. My nephew has been a Raw Food Vegan for 14 years and bench presses over 400 lbs at a body weight of only 183 lbs. The only supplement that we have been using is a vegan supplement called Moringa. The Raw Vegan Diet is definitely the fountain of youth. Check out this video.
    Last edited by lil flexxx; Mar 25th, 2013 at 07:09 PM. Reason: misspelled word

  2. #2
    Abe Froman Risker's Avatar
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    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    Thread appears to be empty... Well, not now obviously.
    "I don't want to live on this planet any more" - Professor Hubert J. Farnsworth

  3. #3
    deniselynn's Avatar
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    Jun 2011

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    Hm, interesting...

  4. #4
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    Strange, apparently you could reply to a post which wasn't approved yet.
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

  5. #5
    lil flexxx's Avatar
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    Mar 2013
    Hamlet NC

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    I had to edit the post to make few corrections to the spelling. I guess it hasn't been approved to be reposted yet.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Anglesey, North Wales

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    Quote lil flexxx View Post
    I am a 47 year old former state champion power lifter and bodybuilder. I had been suffering from damaged rotator cuffs among other injuries due to years of heavy lifting. I began my Raw Vegan Diet on 11/01/2012 and now I feel and look younger, stronger and healthier than ever. In the gym while working chest, I had only been able to use the 40 lb dumbbells on the incline dumbbell presses for the past three years. Since starting my Raw Vegan Diet less than six months ago, my joint pain has decreased, I feel and look younger, I have lost 30 lbs of body fat, and my strength has increased to the point that I am now doing reps with the 105 lb dumbbells in the gym. My nephew has been a Raw Food Vegan for 14 years and bench presses over 400 lbs at a body weight of only 183 lbs. The only supplement that we have been using is a vegan supplement called Moringa. The Raw Vegan Diet is definitely the fountain of youth. Check out this video.
    The link??? Not sure what that was about, male bonding maybe!!

  7. #7
    Not currently a vegan
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    Feb 2014
    United states

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    This is true that raw food diet is anti aging and has great health benefits. Raw food diet helps us in weight lose and with this diet we can make our skin healthy and beautiful. Anyway nice thread and thanks for the information.

  8. #8

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Los Angeles

    Default Re: Raw vegan diet is anti aging

    Going vegan in general is healthier for your body; which eventually slows down the aging process of your body not because it going vegan is some wonder drug, but because you are taking care of your body and putting in good nutrients instead of junk food

    Apparently it cures diseases too? go vegans!

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