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Thread: I'm Looking for vegan personal trainers in the UK... Can anyone help?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2013
    Leicester, United Kingdom

    Default I'm Looking for vegan personal trainers in the UK... Can anyone help?

    I myself am a vegan personal trainer and I am looking at creating a network of UK Vegan & health conscious personal trainers. Does anyone know of any? If they do it will mean free promotion for these trainers as it is mostly to help promote vegan & health focused fitness in the UK.

    Can anyone help guide me in the right direction pls?

    Just trying to find my feet.

  2. #2
    Draíochta Blueberries's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2010


    Quote musclemonkey View Post
    I myself am a vegan personal trainer and I am looking at creating a network of UK Vegan & health conscious personal trainers. Does anyone know of any? If they do it will mean free promotion for these trainers as it is mostly to help promote vegan & health focused fitness in the UK.

    Can anyone help guide me in the right direction pls?

    Here is a vegan fitness forum:

    And vegan fitness and bodybuilding forum:

    They might have some people and informatiom that can help! There are also a few sporty UK people around here so hopefully they can help too!
    Houmous atá ann!

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