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Thread: Can dogs smell cancer?

  1. #1

    Default Can dogs smell cancer?

    Could the dog be an even better friend to man than we imagined? For 15 years, a handful of scientists have braved scepticism and ridicule to investigate the possibility that dogs can be trained to sniff out cancer. With access to new scientific trials, this is the first in-depth account of dogs' ability to detect cancer in humans. The results are astounding and could be begin to challenge our core belief in modern medicine.

    (Hope the link works for you all. It's from an Australian site)
    Respect for all living entities

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    Iowa, USA

    Default Re: Can dogs smell cancer?

    Link doesn't work in US.
    There's an article about it though.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Can dogs smell cancer?

    Obviously the video is syndicated as viewing is restricted. The video is a BBC production so it featured stories from the UK and UK scientists though it also featured studies in the U.S.
    Respect for all living entities

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