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Thread: Little by little...

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Little by little...

    Hi all, just a bit of news that is sort of exciting for me and a triumph of sorts in my omni family (I'm the sole vegan). My family has started purchasing rice milk and hemp milk in stead of cow's milk and both my parents prefer the vegan mayo to egg mayo! So that will also be a regular purchase from now on (I don't eat it, as I'm mostly raw these days, but they said it tastes much better than the norm). And my mother (possibly the whole family for at least dinners) will be lacto-ovo veg for the month of July! Now if only I could get their cheese addiction to wear off...

  2. #2
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Milton Keynes

    Default Re: Little by little...

    Quote dianitabonita View Post
    Now if only I could get their cheese addiction to wear off...
    Which may be more accurate than most people think.

    Was only recently, listening to a Gary Francione lecture, that I heard that cheese contains a substance called 'casomorphin'.

    Casomorphins are peptides, i.e., protein fragments, derived from the digestion of milk protein casein. The distinguishing characteristic of casomorphins is that they have an opioid effect.[1]
    Could be why cheese is the hardest nut to crack, as it were?

    Anyways, congrats on the progress with your family, dianitabonita
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  3. #3
    baffled harpy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Little by little...

    Yes, well done. You've obviously got their attention!

    I think apart from the addiction thing cheese is something that people eat because they can't think of anything else for a quick snack. So perhaps getting them to have something else on hand for a quick snack might help. Here a lot of people use hummus or similar but I'm not sure if they're so popular where you are?
    Last edited by harpy; Jul 2nd, 2013 at 02:56 PM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Little by little...

    Absolutely, Harpy. I agree that having better access to vegan snacks would definitely help with cheese snacking. Hummus is really popular where I live, and my family likes it a lot. I may keep a tray of cut up veg in the fridge/counter from now on w/ a bowl of hummus by its side...

  5. #5
    Draíochta Blueberries's Avatar
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    Feb 2010


    Quote Cupid Stunt View Post
    Was only recently, listening to a Gary Francione lecture, that I heard that cheese contains a substance called 'casomorphin'.
    Here is a good (vegan) counter-argument to the theory that cheese is addictive because of the caesinmorphines:
    Houmous atá ann!


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