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Thread: Vegan questionnaire - for coursework

  1. #1

    Question Vegan questionnaire - for coursework

    Hello there my name is Liam. I as wondering if you guys could help me out. For my coursework in my Food and Nutrition I need to do some research about one of the following topics:

    - Special Diets (Vegan,Gluten-Free etc.)
    - Healthy Eating (Balanced Meal, 5 a day etc.)
    - Food around the world (Food in Japan, China etc.)
    - Saving time and energy (Convenience foods etc.)
    - Organic Food (Organic Chickens etc.)
    - Low budget income (£10 a day to feed a family of four etc.)

    Now I have chosen Special Diets and I want to study about Vegans which means while in the holidays I need to do come up with a title and then gather some information to be to find any problems with being vegan (For example lack of protein) and then being able to overcome them in a dishes I will make at school. I also need to come up with several ways of finding out this research and one of the ways possible includes a questionnaire which is what I am going to ask you to fill out later If you have any ideas on how I can improve my questionnaire don't hesitate to email me at < Click and you can email me straight away

    To whom it may concern the task title I have made and am researching about is the following:

    "Is it healthier and more economically beneficial to be following a Vegan diet?"

    If you feel like it you may also email me your answers at and if you do have any friends who are vegan ask them to help me out and fill out this questionnaire.

    Anyways enough chitchat here is the questionnaire:

    • Question One: Are you male or female?
    • Question Two: How old are you?
    • Question Three: Do you follow a vegan diet?
    • Question Four: Do you cook your own meals?
    • Question Five: Why do you follow a vegan diet?
    • Question Six: How long have you been following a vegan diet?
    • Question Seven: Is anyone else in your family following a vegan diet? If so how many?
    • Question Eight: In your opinion are vegan foods more expensive than foods with animal produce?
    • Question Nine: Do you think a vegan diet is more healthy than a non vegan diet?
    • Question Ten: Do you ever consider eating animal produce?
    • Question Eleven: Being vegan do you find it more difficult to have a balanced diet?
    • Question Twelve: In your opinion do supermarkets supply a sufficient amount of vegan foods?
    • Question Thirteen: In your opinion do global/nationwide restaurants provide enough food for vegans?
    • Question Fourteen: Do you have any friends who follow a vegan diet if so how many?
    • Question Fifteen: Why do you think not many people follow vegan diets?
    • Question Sixteen: When did you become aware of the vegan diet?

    Thank you so much for answering these questions and I hope you have a fantastic day.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    St Leonards on Sea

    Default Re: Vegan Questionnaire - FOR COURSEWORK!

    Have you thought of using survey monkey? Most of the questionnaires seem to use it now. It would make it easier for people to answer your questions.

  3. #3
    deniselynn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Vegan questionnaire - for coursework


  4. #4
    Pea-utiful... Peabrain's Avatar
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    Dec 2012

    Default Re: Vegan Questionnaire - FOR COURSEWORK!

    Quote Mymblesdaughter View Post
    Have you thought of using survey monkey? Most of the questionnaires seem to use it now. It would make it easier for people to answer your questions.
    Yes I think it would make it easier for you to collate the answers too.

    In the meantime though, I'll email you my answers.

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