I'm a recovering compulsive overeater and anorexic, I became "abstinent" (from bingeing/starving and certain "trigger"/addictive foods) 14 years ago, I only became vegan last year. I became vegan for ethical reasons, and I'd say my experience with recovery helped me make the transition quite easily because I was already more accustomed than most, to the kind of change necessary for such an overhaul of diet and lifestyle...
However, I'd say being vegan neither makes me more likely to relapse nor does it make me more likely to "stay on the wagon" as it were; I think it's important to remember that food is a symptom, and the cause, usually a combination of a tendency for physical addictions (regardless of whether that's alcohol, drugs, food/controlling food, gambling, whatever), and a difficulty dealing with emotions in their rawest form, is what needs attention. So, for instance if someone wants to be vegan for ethical reasons but is finding it hard to balance their food issues, they may want to look at possibilities of joining a support group such as Overeaters Anonymous (which welcomes Overeaters AND anorexics/bulimics etc), or similar for new ideas on how to handle life without using food, starvation, or purging.
It's not always easy, I fell off the overeating wagon a couple of months back (even though I remained vegan), but it served me well, as I realised what I was doing and just worked on my program a bit more. In my case I had resumed an old habit of isolating, largely due to grief over the deaths of both my parents in recent years, and just didn't want to "let go" of control.
I'm super tired just now and making typos that I then have to correct, all over the place, so will add more later but hope this helps for now. Hugs. xxxxx