Animal sanctuary needs habitat enrichment specialist to workwith nine year old chimpanzee. This is alive in position. We are a veganfacility. No animal products allowed onthe property. Chimpanzees should neverbe in captivity and they can never be pets. Sadly these little fellows’ parents were part of the circus. In 2004 hewas brought to us for care. Our job atthe Sanctuary is to provide a caring, active, stimulating environment for hislifetime. The chimp is not caged andlives as part of our family on our eight hundred acre sanctuary. Only those truly committed to animal welfareneed apply. The interview process is lengthy;the final decision is made by the chimp. You will be working for him; his name will be on your paycheck. We willtrain you to care for his needs, as well as the state and federal regulationspertaining to his care. You will need tohave excellent references and pass a nationwide criminal backgroundinvestigation. The chimp has beensurgical altered and can never father young. Only a select few people are suited for this lifestyle. We provide a bedroom in the main house, witha bathroom adjacent, your meals which you will help prepare, free internet, acell phone, free laundry and a SMALL stipend. This is the Wild West and our community doesn’t accept new comers easily,living here can be very lonely for young people. This can be a pleasant position for a retiredperson. We vegetable garden and you willhelp grow the food you eat. Thesanctuary has many horses that are being rehabilitated so that they can findloving homes. The duties are actually very simple, we get up each day and gothrough the basic tasks everyone does in their home, cooking, cleaning, andworking in the garden. We just happen to have a very special littlehelper. His life is enriched by beingincluded in the process of caring for our home and the animals at theSanctuary. Apply only if living with andcaring for animals on a large animal sanctuary is the dream of a lifetime. Youwill be held to a high standard of vegan conduct. This is a rodeo town and the Sanctuary staffbasically serve as vegan missionaries to the nearby town full of meat eatingcowboys. You will be ask to assist inspreading the vegan message by taking turns in our information both at localfarmers markets in the region Please tell us why you believe you would a goodcandidate for this position. TheSanctuary is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit public charity.