I'm not handling legumes very well, and I've read too much on lectins and other toxins in seeds to be able to eat them. So, I just wonder if there's someone with a similar approach to this type of vegan-diet here.
Basically, what I am saying, is that I do NOT eat beans, grains, nuts, or any SEEDS at all. Because seeds contain one or more of lectins, gluten, enzyme inhibitors, phytic acids, seed starches and cyanogenic glycosides. Of course there's various degrees of how MUCH and WHAT the different seeds contain, but I'm a bit of extreme when it comes to these types of things.
Here's some info that will explain it better than I'm bothered to do.
There's much more to read, and of course there's scientifically backed facts and all that jazz. But I'm not here to be a wikipedia.
I just wonder on what alternatives I should go for? Like veggies, fruits and berries. I know I'm being very difficult, and that I might end up with deficiencies. But I don't feel good after eating legumes or seeds. My whole body objects!