I have half of a kilo of sunflower seeds left. I don't like it in soups, smoothies, pates nor bars.
When I google dishes with sunflowers I get as a result bunch of breads (shaped as sunflower).
Maybe salad, but ... this sunflower isn't roasted and taste of seeds that way isn't so good.
As you can see I really don't have much options left. I think I'm going to give it to birds.
The first half was spend on some risotto with mushrooms. But I can't stand risottos anymore.
I also don't bake breads (I don't have patience) nor cookies.
I feel so hopeless, like I'll never find a way out with this sunflower. It's in my kitchen for about half a year.
I just ignore the sunflower bag every time I notice it on the shelf.
Did you ever have such problem?