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Thread: Operation Missing Link

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Planet Earth

    Default Operation Missing Link

    Some of us are working on a project to get influential people and organizations to start talking about animal agriculture's harmful effect on the environment. E.g. Naomi Klein, author of "This changes everything," a book about capitalism and climate change. I am writing to ask the community here who they think should be on our list of people to contact. If you provide a website, contact and other info for these people/organizations that would be appreciated as well.

    This is a sub-project of Operation Missing Link ( ), which, I believe, was influential in Al Gore adopting a plant-based lifestyle.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Planet Earth

    Default Re: Operation Missing Link


    For those interested in learning more about how Operation Missing Link works, here is a short video about it:

  3. #3
    Johnstuff's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Leicester UK

    Default Re: Operation Missing Link

    Hi, I think David Attenborough and Noam Chomsky should go vegan. They must have considered it but for some reason haven't. It sounds like a great idea you have as there must be many people who perhaps let their/our cause down by not giving more serious consideration of going vegan and promoting veganism.

    if you haven't seen Cowspiracy then that is a good documentory about animal agriculture and its effect on the environment.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Planet Earth

    Default Re: Operation Missing Link

    Thanks John, we will add them to out list. Just to be clear, it isn't so much about getting these guys to go vegan but to get them to start talking about plant-based diets as a means to help solve some of our worst environmental problems.

    Some people may raise the following question.
    Isn't it futile to ask people, who are likely not vegans themselves, to talk about animal ag's role in climate change?

    Consider this: If an overweight person who is on the verge of developing diabetes went to an overweight doctor for advice, wouldn't it be incumbent on the doctor, ethically and morally, to recommend losing weight to the patient to help them prevent diabetes regardless of the doctor's own weight problems?
    We believe, people who claim to be speaking on behalf of the planet and environment bear a similar responsibility to inform people who look to them for leadership to speak up about the harmful effects of animal agriculture on the planet.

    BTW, I know Cowspiracy very well. In fact, I helped make it. Look for my name (Kamal Prasad) in the credits. I was one of the camera operators for some of the footage in the film. I am glad you like it.

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