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Thread: Co-op Own-brand Vegetable Soup No Longer Vegan

  1. #1
    veganandy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Default Co-op Own-brand Vegetable Soup No Longer Vegan

    Hi! This is my first posting so, apologies if I'm in the wrong forum or if someone else has already posted this topic.

    Although I would normally make my own vegetable soup, it's always handy to have a tin in the cupboard as a contingency. Until recently I bought tins of plain vegetable soup from The Co-op's own-brand "Loved by Us" range. When I went to replenish my store last week I noticed that the vegetable soup tin had a new label (there were both old and new examples in the same shelf location with identical bar codes for comparison), and on inspection of the ingredients list I found that cow's milk is now included in the new version. I ask you, who adds 'milk' to vegetable soup?! (unless you're making a 'cream of...' style soup, which this is not).

    I contacted The Co-op's customer services to check this out, to be told that they had changed the recipe due to complaints about the old recipe being "too spicy." I asked how adding cow's milk would address the issue of 'spiciness' (I never found it too spicy) but no answer was given. I asked why they didn't simply reduce the amount of spice - again, no answer. I asked if they were aware that they had now made that particular stock item unsuitable for about quarter of a million (exactly how many are we?) people in the UK, but again the reaction I received was one of corporate insouciance.

    I would like to instigate a campaign of complaint against this dismissive and misguided attitude, raising the issue of how much of a backward step The Co-op has taken in such an unnecessary and pointless move.

    Please join me in making a formal complaint to The Co-op. They can be contacted by freephone on: 0800 0686 727
    or by completing an enquiry form at:

    Thanks for listening,


  2. #2

    Default Re: Co-op Own-brand Vegetable Soup No Longer Vegan

    I was never even aware they made a vegan soup!

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