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Thread: pregnant anyone?

  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2004

    Default pregnant anyone?

    so.. how is it here, anyone with a baby on the way?
    I've just finished the first trimaster and I'm looking for someone who shares my views.. as most of my friends in some way expect me to stop this vegan thing now that I'm eating for two
    So, any stories to share?
    I would be very happy to hear from you guys...

  2. #2
    feline01's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?


    I'm not pregnant but can empathize with what you are going through. I had coworkers and family telling me how nervous they were for me as a vegan who was eating for 3. Proof is in the pudding (vegan, of course ). Our kids had their yearly check-up yesterday and their pediatrician gave us a glowing report. Relax, try to get as much rest as possible now and let yourself be pampered-you'll be stressed and pulling your hair out (wait, it falls out on its own ) before you know it.

    Just post if you have any specific questions-there are quite a few vegan moms/mums on the board.

  3. #3

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    I'm not expecting, I suppose I shouldn't be posting in this thread, but I wanna have a kid and raise he/she strict veg (no meat, no dairy, possibly no eggs, but we'll see). I live far enough away from my meat eating family that we should be safe from a lot of hassle. As for the doctor/ob, they'll get a stern talking to from me if they try to tell me that being veg is unhealthy. I'll tell 'em what for!

    Congratulations on expecting a wee one, it's gotta be incredible.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    You could try this website
    Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert Einstein

  5. #5

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    I support you as well, though I'm not pregnant. If I were to have children, without a doubt, they'll be vegan from birth (or should I say "from inception"?)

    I think there's a book called Vegan Pregnancy that has useful information. And don't forget that EVERY expectant mother, vegan or omni, should pay close attention to nutritional requirements. I think it's more likely that a vegan would care about the health of their baby; obviously, they care more about a lot of things than some omnivores.

  6. #6

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    From a guy's point of view as you were interested...

    I've just posted on the 'Vegan Baby' thread so you may be interested in what I have written there as well, tho' that comes after the birth.

    But anyway...

    Firstly congratulations - assuming this will be your first child, your life will never be the same again, but only in all the best possible ways.

    My ex and I were both vegan when she became pregnant. She read a lot of books such as 'The Continuum Concept' 'Three in a Bed' and loads more 'alternative' information about pregnancy and bringing up children. I wasn't able to read so much because I was in the final year of my undergraduate degree and had my head stuck in botany books plus I took over most of the dog-walking and the cooking as cooking used to make her feel ill, so I relied on her to tell me the most useful bits from the books. (Sorry, reading back, using she and her all the time doesn't sound very complimentary so please read 'Teresa' instead)

    We had a home birth, planned of course. The midwife assigned to us was not particularly in favour of home-births, but I got the feeling that was due to her lack of self-confidence in case anything went wrong. However, the second midwife that would be present at the birth was really pro-home birth, and when Teresa went into labour the first midwife was away on holiday, so we had two good midwives present, tho' I think even they began to get a little sick of the whale music tape after about the 4th or 5th time of playing during the labour (12hrs). Being vegan parents made us a bit of a novelty to some of the health care professionals and I think that actually worked in our favour, it was certainly different from the poor diet, heavy drinking, heavy smoking culture that we lived in in the North-East of England.

    It was the most wonderful day of my life. Even tho' I obviously wasn't the one giving birth I tried to be involved as much as posible and massaged Teresa the whole time as a bit of extra pain relief and I'll never forget the first time I saw my daughter's eyes as she was still coming into the world. The only problem was that Teresa's placenta wouldn't come out so she had to be taken into hospital to be scraped and was kept in overnight which really kind of spoilt it all to some degree.

    We didn't have Jasmin vaccinated. She was breast fed until around her fourth birthday (tho' for a long time before the end it was just last thing at night - could be good for getting them off to sleep - and first thing in the morning - breakfast in bed!) Brought her up on a vegan diet of course (initially anyway) and with as much organic food as possible. She was carried nearly everywhere either in a baby sling by her mother, or on my chest or back when I was around (I was just soooo proud to be a father).

    Jasmin has always been very healthy, intelligent and very sociable. I just wish she had slept a bit better at nights!

    I would love to become a father again, but alas, need to find the right woman being single again. Couldn't kiss a meat-eater so that eliminates most of the female population

    Let us know how you get on Pistachio, some of us men ARE interested in birth stories and such like.

    Take care,


  7. #7

    Join Date
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    planet earth

    Thumbs up Re: pregnant anyone?

    Quote pistachio
    so.. how is it here, anyone with a baby on the way?
    I've just finished the first trimaster and I'm looking for someone who shares my views.. as most of my friends in some way expect me to stop this vegan thing now that I'm eating for two
    So, any stories to share?
    I would be very happy to hear from you guys...
    wonderful, congratulations!

    my daughter is now 3 and i still remember the vomitting that i suffered during the first 2 months. man, it was making me really ill. to me it was worse than the labour and i had a natural birth!

    my meat-eating parents were a bit concerned because i'm vegan and of course still keeping a vegan diet during pregnancy. but they were a bit far from where we were and i have my husband who is also vegan supported me 200% on preparing very rich vegan food. i couldn't eat at all from the beginning, i would vomit just from smelling the cooked food. fresh fruits, vegetables and salads were what my body was telling me to eat. i also drank lots of full-meal thick shakes with coconut milk, bananas, strawberries, soymilk, different kinds of nuts etc all blended in. very nice and filling.

    after the first 2 months, basically the pregnancy was heaven to me. i felt wonderful, i was enjoying the whole process. i still remember the kicking my baby was doing to my ribs and we could actually see her moving her arm across my belly too. lots and lots of beautiful memories....

  8. #8

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Off topic, but Sion, we will have to find you a soul mate?. Maybe someone here on the forum?????

  9. #9

    Join Date
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Quote tails4wagging
    Off topic, but Sion, we will have to find you a soul mate?. Maybe someone here on the forum?????
    off topic again... also i would like to find vegan children for my daughter to play with and make friends with. anyone? any meets?

  10. #10

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Hello, Pistachio
    Nice to meet you and I want to wish you the best with your pregnancy. I see my friend, Feline, has posted to you already. She had a very successful vegan pregnancy; and has raised two terrific vegan twins!
    I hope you do well, too!
    All the best wishes to you..

  11. #11
    Stormypagan's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Hi :0)

    I have just joined the forum and started making a few posts, then thought opps better introduce myself and my family :0)

    I am a vegan of 17 years living in Cumbria, UK, with my soul mate Shaun and our children. I am mother to a 6 year old life time vegan son called Lewis Callanish (after the magical standing stones called Callanish on Lewis in the Outer Hebrides).

    He is very proud of his lifestyle and never fails to tell anyone or ask if the food he is offered is vegan - bless!! He hasn't had any vaccinations either and was breast fed for 15 months ... longer if he had wanted it <grin>. He isn't the biggest eater in the world but he is tall for his age and a very healthy, happy child and wow can he run fast hehehe <remembers sports day at school recently> He attends the local village school where veganism is a bit un heard of being rural Cumbria <grin> but he copes brilliantly.

    He's a wonderful friend, teacher and of course son :0) a true inspiration. I believe he is an Indigo child, an old and wise soul, for those who know about this :0)

    I am now 21 weeks pregnant with a sister or brother for Lewis :0) It has been a tougher pregnancy than with Lewis (maybe coz I am older now hehehe) . But I am looking forward to bringing up another vegan baby as naturally as I can, as I did with Lewis, and maybe this time I will be more relaxed!! I think this time being rural Cumbria, compared to having Lewis in the South of England, I may find it harder with health authorities but we will see?? But I will stand my ground and be strong about being our life style and not having vaccinations.

    Anyway, thats us for now :0) and I look forward to sharing universal experiences with all of you :0)

    Love, light, peace and freedom always
    Xxxx Stormy xxxX

  12. #12

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    Smile Re: pregnant anyone?

    congratulations stormy. stay strong and stand on your ground. we all support you here.

  13. #13
    Stormypagan's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Thanks Dahmin :0) xx

  14. #14
    rootically's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    hi, my son was born may 8th. when i was pregnant, everybody used to tell me that i should at least drink milk and eat fish if i strictly refuse to eat meat. yeah right!
    i kinda forced myself to eat plenty of veggies, legumes, fruits, grains etc. (i craved all the non healthy foods) and i took a prenatal vitamin (rainbow light), a calcium supplement (rainbow light also). at 25 weeks i had a iron check and i was close to the minimum required to have a home birth. i have always been a little anemic thou, so that wasn't surprising. then i took some stuff called floradix (herbal iron supplement) eat a lot of spinach with lemon juice (vitamin c helps to absorb iron) eat a lot of red beets and two weeks later my iron level was way higher.
    at 38 weeks they mesured my belly and it was measuring kinda small. they thought that my baby was too small (of course because of my vegan diet) i told them that he is not small, but that he is already deep engaged in the pelvis (outch!) so they sent me to do an ultrasound to make sure he is big enough. at the ultrasound they said that he will is about 6 lbs. well, the day came and i gave birth to a healthy 8 1/2 lbs boy! in their face! talking about a 6 lbs baby!
    i am still vegan and i breastfeed exclusively, so my baby is therefor a vegan also he is 4 months old now and huge! he has chubby legs and arms, a double chin and big cheeks! the babies of other women i met in the prenatal yoga class (all non vegan or vegetarian) are small and skinny... my husband and i were small and skinny babies also, so it must have been the vegan diet which brought forth such a big boy!

    so my conclusion: vegan diets (if done balanced and wholesome, of course) make healthy babies!

    congratulations and all the best wishes to you!

  15. #15
    Lilac Hamster

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Dahmin in London, we do have vegan families parties and picnics (depending on time of year) regularly in the London area. Usually about 4 times a year.

    Next one is on the Christmas Party on 18th December in South London, please email me on


  16. #16
    Stormypagan's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Only have 19 days to go before our baby is born - and I am really excited :0)

  17. #17
    maya's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    I think I shall find a man first.
    "Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

  18. #18
    terra's Avatar
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    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Quote Stormypagan
    Only have 19 days to go before our baby is born - and I am really excited :0)
    Stormy - I am so excited for you!!

    Rest well and good luck to you and your little one during the delivery, and also to the other family members who have to wait patiently!

  19. #19

    Join Date
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    Tucson, AZ

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Quote Stormypagan
    Only have 19 days to go before our baby is born - and I am really excited :0)
    Yay!! What a wonderful holiday present for you! I'm glad to hear that you are both doing well.

    If at first you don't succeed, laugh as you set it ablaze!

  20. #20

    Default Re: pregnant anyone?

    Quote rootically
    at the ultrasound they said that he will is about 6 lbs. well, the day came and i gave birth to a healthy 8 1/2 lbs boy! in their face! talking about a 6 lbs baby!
    i was born a 6 lb. baby to an omni mom, and i'm healthy well, currently pregnant so nauseated and sniffly, but healthy!

    so i'm just over 7 1/2 weeks pregnant, and got to see my itty bitty baby yesterday on my sonogram! hurray!

    doing well, but of course everything makes me nauseated, and i think my prenatal vitamin is to blame for progressing nausea . . .

    and i'm so freaking sneezy and sniffly? what's up with that???
    "Take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented." - Elie Wiesel

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