View Poll Results: Do you have more/less energy now than you had when you were eating animal products?

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  • More energy

    128 63.05%
  • Less energy

    22 10.84%
  • No change

    53 26.11%
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Thread: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

  1. #1
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    we already have a poll about health/sense of wellbeing after switching to a vegan diet here..

    But apart from how you feel and how healthy you are, do you feel that you have more or less energy after going vegan (for example, do you need more or less sleep etc)?
    I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.

  2. #2
    Kiva Dancer's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Way more energy.

    Waaaaayyyy more.
    It's vegan, which means it's vegetarian which means there's nothing unheathy in it. -- my guy trying to explain vegan junkfood.

  3. #3

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I would believe that it is depending on how you eat.

    YOu can eat an unhealthy, toxic vegan diet or a healthy omnivore one.


  4. #4
    kriz's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    More energy and I only need 5-6 hrs of sleep each night. I used to get colds quite frequently but I haven't had one since I turned vegan 1 1/2 ago. As I turned vegan I also started to make healthier food choices.
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  5. #5
    sylkan's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Quote kriz
    More energy and I only need 5-6 hrs of sleep each night. I used to get cold quite frequently but I haven't had one since I turned vegan 1 1/2 ago. As I turned vegan I also started to make healthier food choices.
    I certainly don't get sick as often the more vegan I eat. Unfortunately I do need more sleep. 'Course that could just be stress too. It's hard to say. I'm very susceptible to anemia (insufficient iron) so I tend to have lower energy levels anyway.

  6. #6
    gorillagorilla Gorilla's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    i'm not really energy levels are dependent on so many other factors, such as depression, anxiety, stress, even the weather. it's hard for me to figure out whether this has been helped at all by my switch to a vegan diet.
    'The word gorilla was derived from the Greek word Gorillai (a "tribe of hairy women")'

  7. #7
    AR Activist Roxy's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I noticed (especially within the first couple of months of going vegan) that I had loads more energy! I am sure my new diet had a lot to do with me not feeling so tired and lethargic all the time. Also, I have found that I can generally operate well receiving approximately 7 hours sleep per night (with the occaisional sleep in). In my pre-vegan days, I used to require 9 hours sleep at night.

  8. #8
    TheFirstBus's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I am not sure about more energy, but then I have all but forgotten my omni energy level. But I will agree with other vegans here saying I almost never get sick. In fact the only time i remember getting sick is when I first became vegan. It was like within a week of becoming a vegan I became sick.
    "Its bad karma to fuck with the stoned"- Hunter S. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Comentary (found on criterion collection)

  9. #9

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    My energy level has not changed in 3 weeks, but I dare to say that I already feel less sluggish. This may, of course, be all in the mind.


  10. #10
    Happiness's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I was already pretty energetic before (with old nicknames like spaz and tweak how could you doubt? )but now I still feel energetic but I dont have that typical "crash" around dinner-time. I can go all day and be productive. Would it be too far out to say that my mind doesn't wander as much anymore? It also takes me less time to study. That means more time to run in circles!!
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  11. #11
    RockyRaccoon's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    More energy. Especially in the morning. It used to take me ages to wake up and get active in the mornings, now I have no trouble. I wake up and seem to bounce out of bed full of life. I also don't get so tired during the day either and can sleep better at night. I'm not saying it is entirely down to a vegan lifestyle though, I also cut a load of processed rubbish out of my diet, and became generally happier about that time, although it's all interconnected. Unfortunately I haven't found the energy yet to do more exercise, but then again I havn't been looking very hard!
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  12. #12
    peasant terrace max's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Loads of energy.

    I'm looking after our 3 pre-schoolers so sleep is at a premium. There are loads of nasty childhood illnesses about the place.

    Being vegan is getting me through this testing time!

  13. #13
    tasha's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I've only been vegan for a little over a week; however, I have been a vegatarian for many years and I haven't had a bad cold or the flu since becoming one, which is amazing considering I use to get a cold at least twice a year. I also got married a few months before becoming vegetarian, so that could be a factor as well. Not sure if it is the diet, the happiness I recieve from my husband or just pure luck--could be a mixture!

  14. #14

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    When I became a lacto ovo vegetarian, I didn't notice much of a change in my energy level. When I went vegan, my energy is sky high! It's amazing how much dairy can sap energy.
    Veganism = Peace
    Eating meat= Disease
    Tough choice huh? :rolleyes:

  15. #15

    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    My stamina is off the scale now. Before going vegan I was getting fat and could barely run a mile. Now, a short two months later I'm jogging three, easily. I also require less sleep and get more rejuvination from what sleep I get.

  16. #16

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    At first, I didn't notice much difference, but then my life was about the same.

    At the moment I am living this ridiculous existence as my final exam is coming up, of college and work during the day, and working nightshifts as well.
    Sometimes I get maybe 3 hours sleep in a 24 hour period, and whereas that used to kill me, I don't feel half bad. I rarely have to reach for the caffiene, and my brain at work seems more alert than before.

  17. #17

    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    No change really.

  18. #18

    Join Date
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    Default Energy Levels

    My wife and I have just recently switched to a vegan diet. I'm presently 37 years of age; I used to be a practicing vegan from 1989 through 1997. I'm now switching back. (This is the first time that my wife has gone vegan.)

    The one thing that we are both noticing after being on the vegan diet for about 2-3 weeks is a significantly decreased energy level. We are both getting plenty of sleep (no changes in sleep cycles), we are both very careful about maintaining a well-balanced vegan diet (fruits, vegetables, grains, pulses, herbs, daily vitamin, etc.), we both are getting regular exercise, and so forth.

    The only change during the past 2-3 weeks has been the removal of meat, eggs and dairy products from the diet. (To offset the removal of some protein from the diet, we are both supplementing with soy protein.)

    But the stark difference in energy levels remains.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? Is it fairly common for energy levels to decrease following switching to a vegan diet? (I really don't remember this happening the first time I switched over to a vegan diet, but then again it has been some time and I must confess that I really don't remember all that well.)

    Any suggestions for maintaining proper energy levels? More B-vitamins?...

    Thanks for any and all contributions to this question/discussion!
    Last edited by Korn; Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:57 AM. Reason: This was the first post in a similar thread

  19. #19
    Vagetarian's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    I've had the opposite effect. My energy has gone up after switching to vegan! My two friends who just recently switched said theirs went up too. I would not recommend you taking any protein supplements. That's going to make you feel tired and it is not necessary unless you're bodybuilding. Generally, a high healthy carb diet, eating small meals frequently, and exercising every day should make you feel very energetic. Here's an example of my daily routine:
    7am Breakfast: Whole grain cereal with blueberries in fortified soymilk
    9:30am Snack: Fruit
    10am Snack: nuts
    11am-12pm: Exercise (I have on office job and a gym nearby)
    12pm Light vege lunch loaded with vegetables (not too much protein)
    2pm Snack: A piece of dark chocolate or fruit
    4pm Snach: Fruit and nuts
    6pm Snack: celery/carrots or whatever I can find when I get home
    7:30pm Heavy Dinner (This is when I eat the most proteins of the day. Unlike every other time of the day I eat til I'm full at dinner)
    9:30pm: Cereal again (I've been trying to cut this out at night as it does sometimes effect my sleep)
    That works for me. Something similar should work for you provided you're eating whole foods as much as possible (don't be a junk food vegan) and you are getting a good variety. I know in AK its hard to get a good variety of vegetables. Maybe you should move to a southern state
    "Hey everybody, I made some Gazpacho"- Lisa Simpson
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  20. #20
    peasant terrace max's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    Even if it wasn't an ethical necessity - I'd still be vegan simply because of the extra energy it gives me - I do manual labour & look after my four kids so I need all the energy I can get...

    There are so many variables determining energy levels - ranging from your physical and mental disposition to your exposure to sufficient light may help to look beyond your new diet...

    One thing that puzzles me, though ... if your vegan diet is balanced - why are you supplementing with soya protein?
    We are saved in the end by the things that ignore us. Andrew Harvey

  21. #21

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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    I went to a vegan diet from a vegetarian one and noticed an increase in energy. I'm not now how sure it was energy related, and I think had more to do with a scenery change.

    I find the biggest contributer to my energy level is actually my mental well being. When very bored and inactive I feel incredibly sapped of strength. Rarely is my physical energy lacking! If I let stressful thoughts dominate while, say, hiking solo in the mountains, I also notice a similar loss of energy.

    There are so many conflicting reports about ex-vegans getting more energy upon returning to a broader diet, and to the opposite, that I'd suspect a good part has to do with one's expectations.

    But honestly, a few weeks doesn't seem like enough time for any serious change in health to occur. I've done bicycle tours for longer periods of time, and have often have had to subsist on bread and peanut butter alone, yet was still able to peddle all day.

    I'd say experiment a bit with your diet for a few months to try eliminate seasonal influences. I'm actually interested in doing this myself, but am vegan half because of ethical reasons.

    Anyway, if you do experiment, report back with your results!

  22. #22
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    Hi Highland, we actually have a poll about that topic. 5% have said that they have less energy after going vegan, 12.5% have replied 'no change', and 67.5% have answered that they have more energy now than they had when they were eating animal products.

  23. #23

    Join Date
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    You probably need more calories and to eat more varied "meat replacements".
    Are you having a heatwave in Alaska, if so this could contribute to your decreased energy.
    Post some of your typical daily menus and we can probably suggest what changes could be made.
    I realise this may be sensitive but are you both fully keen to be vegan? If not, you could be feeling tired as a subconscious "protest"? Maybe not, but its worth considering. I think the first 2 suggestions are more likely.
    See my local diary ...

  24. #24
    Haniska's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    Maybe you are having some food allergies.
    Or, if you believe in detox, perhaps your body is purging itself and you need rest as it does this. Accordingly you will regain your energy later. Maybe the shift in fiber is upseting your stomachs and sapping your energy?
    Lastly, maybe you are not getting enough calories.
    it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble

  25. #25
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    The one thing that we are both noticing after being on the vegan diet for about 2-3 weeks is a significantly decreased energy level.
    I saw this thread again, and wonder how you are doing (are you still around?)

    Energy levels are often mentioned when veg*ns are being interviewed - (vegan celebrities, that is, because regular vegans don't get interviewed that often).

    Shania Twain mentioned that she has more energy now, after she became a veg*n. Clint Eastwood, who is often asked about how he can be is so good shape at his age (he is 80 in four years) said that he tries to stick to a vegan diet. Darwin, the scientist, recognized that the vegetarian miners of Chile were the most energetic workers he had encountered in his world travels.

    We have a thread about high energy vegan foods here.

    From Veganism in a Nutshell: Human Health
    As I said, I adopted a vegan diet in 1987 At the time, I was running cross country, and when I dropped meat and dairy products from my diet, my 10k time plummeted from about 46 or 47 minutes down to between 42 and 43 minutes. Basically, when I stopped forcing my body to expend so much energy processing saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein, I had more energy, my metabolism sped up, I dropped a few pounds that I didn’t even know I had, and I got faster. I also found that I needed less sleep, had far more energy, and felt happier, just in general. Of course, I am not unique. Vegans are always telling me that they need less sleep and less coffee and have more energy than they ever had before. They also tell me that their newfound energy has made them happier.
    From Health Benefits of Veganism:
    Having more energy is another benefit. By not eating high portions of fat and sugar you will naturally have more energy. Most people who consume a lot of high fat and sugar foods have less energy and tend to drag all day long. Instead, by eating a lot of vegetables and grains you will have more energy.
    From Being a vegan is nothing of mythic proportions
    From personal experience, I can vouch for the health benefits and energy I have gained from switching to veganism. I’ve lost weight in a healthy way, without reverting to starving or strange, cardboard flavored diet bars. I have more energy. An acne problem that I had for more than three years and visited multiple dermatologists about is gone.
    Bobby Rock, strong man .
    My personal experience with vegetarianism has been dramatic. In over 15 years on the path, the numerous physical benefits have resulted in an overall greater level of health, with more energy, power and endurance in all of my daily activities, including weightlifting, drumming and cycling.

    George Bernard Shaw, Nobel Prize winner:
    I am on the verge of 85 and still work as hard as ever. I have lived quite long enough and am trying to die; but I simply cannot do it. A single beef-steak would finish me; but I cannot bring myself to swallow it. I am oppressed with a dread of living forever. That is the only disadvantage of vegetarianism
    Slovenian President Janez Drnovsek, vegan:
    Question: After changing to vegetarian food do you feel better, healthier?

    Answer: I feel great - they say I have too much energy.

    Donald Watson, founder of The Vegan Society and inventor of the word vegan, passed away on Nov. 16 at the age of 95. Watson had not eaten meat for 80 years and had been vegan for over 60 years. He celebrated his birthday last year by climbing a mountain.
    And finally, a little reminder about where the energy in the animals actually come from:

    John Coleman: Comparative Anatomy & Taxonomy (check the table):
    [...]all animal tissues are made up of broken down plant tissues.

    You can also read about energy levels and diet at

  26. #26
    Haniska's Avatar
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    "A vegan does need to remember to take a multi-vitamin containing B12 and iron, but besides that, the lifestyle is pretty low maintenance."

    Iron? Has this guy ever looked at the iron content in whole grain bread? Pasta?

    But seriously, I like his attitude besides.
    it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble

  27. #27
    Good sperm
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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    I feel so sluggish today but I think it's because I've not been eating proper meals (too hot!!) and due to schedule I haven't been running or done any Yoga since Friday. Today was my first run since then and I feel really slooooow.

    Other than this glitch, being vegan and exercising regularly means I have more energy than I ever had and it's more sustainable too

  28. #28

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    Default Re: Energy Levels

    highlandh, are you still around and how are you and your wife feeling now?
    There is also a lot of iron in beans and greens. Iron is not a problem for healthy vegans. B12 is added to many fortified foods, many soya milks, margarines, yeast spreads and breakfast cereals. Just check the label to see if they are fortified.
    See my local diary ...

  29. #29
    VeganLady's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    More energy definitely!

  30. #30

    Join Date
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I've definitely got more energy - 9 weeks being vegan so far. No more post lunch slumps! For me I think giving up dairy has had a major effect - makes me wonder if I am intolerant but just didn't realise. Anyway, its all good!

  31. #31
    puffin's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I have always been lazy so no change really

  32. #32
    Jesse's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I need more sleep I think, I am not sure because it was so long ago I stopped eating animal products. And also I have more time now to sleep.
    But my energylevel is better, I think.

  33. #33
    randomguru's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    from my experience...

    a vegan diet combined with yoga has given me a lot more energy and stamina when playing drums, piano and general music performance.

    i used to get tired after playing a 4 hour gig on drums with a band. nowadays, and at 48 years old, i am still drumming like i was 20 years old, and i owe it to the combination of yoga and a vegan diet, plus trying to eat as raw as possible.

  34. #34

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I am with Kriz. I need a lot less sleep. I can go to bed at 11 pm, fall asleep whenever, and wake up at 6:30. I also have more energy. Actually, I have been doing more chores around the house to vent the energy, which is a good thing.

    Quote kriz
    More energy and I only need 5-6 hrs of sleep each night. I used to get colds quite frequently but I haven't had one since I turned vegan 1 1/2 ago. As I turned vegan I also started to make healthier food choices.

  35. #35

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    Default Fatigue / Low Energy

    hey all,
    have been looking around here a bit, and wondering if anybody has any thoughts on being tired all of the time...
    i've been vegan for about 4 years now, and this fatigue seems to be new-ish.
    i think i eat decent enough and take a daily multi vitamin, as well as get my iron checked every 6 months (its great).
    i'm not sure where my b12 is at, but i have protein supplement and fortified soymilk almost every day.
    the problem is that i am tired all of the time. not sleepy tired, though, just energyless (hope that makes sense).
    its summer and beautiful, and usually i want to get outside, but lately all i want to do is curl up and nap and not even bother going for a walk.
    any ideas?
    Last edited by Korn; Dec 10th, 2009 at 11:58 AM. Reason: This was the first post in a similar thread

  36. #36

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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    Do you think you are depressed? I feel like this most of the time - everything feels like hard work and is a struggle, even nice things - I suffer from low level depression. Are you getting any exercise as sometimes this can help as it makes you feel energised (sometimes it makes me just feel tired or I can't be bothered to do it! But it can help). Maybe go to the doctor and have a blood test to check you are OK? Has anything changed recently in your life, sometimes if you get a bit stressed, even by nice things you can end up feeling like this.

    I'm afraid I don't know what else to suggest. Hope you feel better soon.

    Monday x

  37. #37
    told me to Mr Flibble's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    When I was 23 and had been vegan for 4 years I also experienced constant tiredness. I was checked out by a doctor for standard things (glandular fever etc) but my blood test was fine. I asked to see a nutricianilist and did, to check it wasn't my diet affecting me. The nutricianilist told me I had one of the best diets she'd ever seen someone with my age come to her with and would be suprised if diet was the cause.

    In the end I solved the problem by getting into a proper routine with going to bed (i was at uni and my sleeping pattern was very eratic). Now if I get less than 6 hours (7 on average) or I go to bed after 2am I'm not suprised when I feel like crap the following day (or more). The same is true for too much sleep - more thean 9 hours also makes me tired
    "Mr Flibble - forum corruptor of innocents!!" - Hemlock

  38. #38
    perfect RedWellies's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    Lulu, do you have any other symptoms?
    "Do what you can with what you have where you are."
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  39. #39
    puffin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    The only time i felt like that is when i was working hard and not eating enough. Do you have a pysical job?

  40. #40

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    The other day I went out...I arrived at the club at 11:30 (btw I hadn't had much sleep the previous night) ....people who arrived a few hours later had given up dancing waaaay before I did....I didnt stop until nearly 5 am. When asked HOW ON EARTH I did it..I yelled "VEGANISM"
    and feel and look better

  41. #41

    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    Moringa oleifera may help. It is amazing stuff, I wish more people knew about it.
    They carry "energy capsules", as well as pure leaf powder (but http:// has the powder for half the price).
    I hope this helps. Good luck.

  42. #42
    ♥♥♥ Tigerlily's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Less energy, although I don't think my lack of energy is related to my vegan diet.
    Peace, love, and happiness.

  43. #43
    Goddess foxytina_69's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    *hugs* tigerlily. i hope you feel better soon. i hate being tired

    lately i feel very tired. ive been sleeping like 15 hours a day. ugh. *rolls eyes*

    but the days i make sure to get enough protein and veggies/fruits, i feel really good. the days i dont, then i feel crappy.
    "you dont have to be tall to see the moon" - african proverb

  44. #44

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    when I intially went veggie my energy levels went up like crazy.

    I had been feeling very ill before - although I was mostly veggie but I had been told I had liver damage by the Dr.
    I was told it could be the drink but I did stop totally but it made no difference at all.
    I did some research and found that the hormones, steriods, antibiotics and other crap in meat n milk can cause a liver overload.
    after only 2 weeks of packing it all in my energy levels went nuts and I was back to normal.

    If I need an energy boost now I either juice my fav fruits or I take one of Dr Joes Esposito essential source suppliements.

    The big mistake I see alot of new veggies make is they replace meat with cheese which like meat - is very difficult to digest and slows us down.

    the other thing I do to boost energy is just to go for a walk as it alwasy works.


  45. #45

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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    You need a full blood count. It will probably pick up any problem. You could have some kind of chronic infection somewhere in the body (wisdom teeth) or a thyroid problem. Keep checking it out until you find an answer. Do you get enough omega 3?

    My lil remedy is eating virgin coconut oil. It can help with infections and worked wonders for me (but not for my friend so there you go).

  46. #46
    ♥♥♥ Tigerlily's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Quote foxytina_69 View Post
    *hugs* tigerlily. i hope you feel better soon. i hate being tired

    lately i feel very tired. ive been sleeping like 15 hours a day. ugh. *rolls eyes*

    but the days i make sure to get enough protein and veggies/fruits, i feel really good. the days i dont, then i feel crappy.

    I want to go to my doctor but I'm afraid he'll get upset with me for being vegan or harrass me to eat meat, or whatever. I'm also afraid of the "I told you so" attitude my family might give me.
    Peace, love, and happiness.

  47. #47

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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    a friend of mine who recently went vegan found the energy boost great but didnt keep up with eating the right stuff and complained of feeling tired too with
    same sort of things.
    when he got back to the good diet he felt great again very quickly

    I wonder how much of it is in comparison to how he felt before and how much better he felt when on the healthy diet.


  48. #48
    miss u Lulu Emam's Avatar
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    Default Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    Been vegan only about fifty days so a bit early to tell. Also take anti depressants which cause fatigue so doubt if being vegan will make a difference to my energy levels.
    Many a broken heart is hidden behind a smiling face.

  49. #49

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    Default Re: Fatigued/Low Energy

    okey dokey
    thanks for the response guys, some good things to look into
    i went to the doctor to get blood tests done (b12, iron, thyroid, etc) so i hope that picks up anything if its like that. the thing about where i live is that the doctors are not very good... strange to say, but its true. anyway.
    i do not have a physical job, but i make sure i get my 20+ minutes of activity every day so that i'm not totally stagnant
    i don't think i'm depressed, although maybe a little stressed?
    recently, my stomache has been hurting like a menace regardless of food, time of day, hunger levels, etc.
    and i know that i am not pregnant (cuz somebody was bound to ask!)
    i dunno... hope it gets sorted.
    thanks all

  50. #50

    Talking Re: More / less energy on a vegan diet?

    I definately have way more energy.

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    Replies: 61
    Last Post: Nov 5th, 2012, 06:01 PM
  2. Energy Monitoring
    By Mr Flibble in forum Human evolution and environmental issues
    Replies: 4
    Last Post: Jun 22nd, 2009, 01:06 PM
  3. Vegan Energy Drinks
    By Prophet in forum VEGAN FOOD
    Replies: 15
    Last Post: Dec 31st, 2006, 01:00 AM
  4. Vegan diet fuels life of boundless energy
    By gertvegan in forum VEGAN HEALTH
    Replies: 3
    Last Post: Sep 29th, 2004, 07:55 AM

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