Hi all,
I've recently gone vegan and find myself needing to explain my reasons to friends and family. One of the reasons which I give, is that it is natural. We do not have the canine teeth and claws to bring down animals and tear their flesh, like other carnivores. Cow milk is made for baby cows, not humans, and it is not natural to drink the milk of another animal. OK. So what about vitamin b12? I understand it is only found naturally in animal products. And we need it to be healthy. So how am I supposed to answer when someone asks me, "how natural is it, to take an artificially-made supplement?". How do they get the b12 into vitamin supplements? Where does that b12 come from? I am curious to hear what you have to say about this. I want my arguments to be strong and sound, yet I'm stuck on this issue. Thanks.