The Cruelty Free Shop newsletter, reports that against the wishes of Australian and Thai conservationists, Taronga and Melbourne Zoos want to replace their aging elephants with nine young elephants from Thailand. Elephants fare badly in zoos. They suffer a raft of health and stress related problems. In Europe and the US, public opinion is turning against keeping elephants in zoos and a number have closed their elephant exhibits, recognising that no matter how hard they try, they cannot cater for the complex welfare needs of these emotionally intelligent animals. Please let the Federal Environment Minister know that Australians also feel compassion for elephants in zoos. Let him know you would like to see Australian zoos phase out their elephant exhibits and allow the nine young elephants the zoos moved into quarantine last year, return to their families.

Email Australian Environment Minister, Senator Ian Campbell at and respectfully request that he refuse to allow imports of elephants to Australia because it does not meet the requirements of Australia's wildlife protection laws. Ask that he not put elephant welfare at risk for a non-viable breeding program that will have no conservation benefit.