Which significant person would you like to become a whole hearted vegan overnight?
Which significant person would you like to become a whole hearted vegan overnight?
The Queen! Then she'd declare that the who family would have to be vegan
George Bush--That means that any selfish crass idiot could do it!!
Oh-how utterly nasty of me--NOT!!
This is a really great question that has got me thinking.
I really should be working, but I can't stop reading the posts on here
Bernard matthews !!!!!!
I think someone like David Beckham, you know, someone that everyone loves, and maybe more people would look into it
The Pope. It would be nice if he also added that animals do have souls.
On the same vain what about TB no not the illness (although he does cause similar symtoms in some!) but Tony Bliar!spo
Then everyone suspected of harming animals would have to go to Guanatamo.spo
You know, if those two did go vegan, it would have to be another one of their "world domination" & "money-grubbing" schemes.
Can you just see them together? They probably have a cake shaped like the world, and sit around carving pieces out of it for themselves: "Here you go George, take Iraq and Russia; Putin won't mind. Afterall, he is only a sawed-off runt!"
"Why, thanks, Tony, don't mind if I do. And for your trouble, how about a sweet secret oil pipline deal in Afganistan?" "Gee, George, how very generous of you!".....
Well, you get the idea, Moz
Oh-Oh is that the FBI at my door???
George Dubya.
I'll lighten the mood
love MozbeeVegan!
George Bush. He may not be popular but noone can deny that he is powerful.
I would say him too except I can't imagine him giving up his meat let alone his dairy...... I think if someone like David Beckham became vegan, it would probably just be seen as a fashionable thing to do, but at least it would make more people aware that life is possible without consuming animal products.
Yes, it would be nice if some of the famous lacto-ovo veggies became vegan.
Paul McCartneyJohn
Oprah Winfrey and/or Ellen Degeneres!
Homer Simpson!
Jamie Oliver - Then he could create lots of yummy vegan recipies (and sort the kids out with school dinners)
And hopefully he would beat up the evil Gordon Ramsay too - not that I advocate violence of course but he really does deserve a good slap!
Yes and ofcourse dear old Gordon Ramsey
If bush went vegan, he'd have to stop the war...
I reckon everybody. Let's go for world domination while we are here!
No he wouldn't!adam antichrist
He'd just have a long list of new arab countries to invade because they have slaughterhouses while ignoring the "white" countries that have them as well.
Hate to tell you Mozbee, but Homer simpson is only a cartoon !!!!
lol Gorilla Im with you, the most important person to me is my boyf so Id like to see him vegan. Im selfish I know {is ashamed}
I know, but he is very influential cartoon isn't he!tails4wagging
Did you know the guy who plays Homer Simpson is at least a veggie, and according to my ex husband (who puts far too much stock in television) is a vegan.
My significant other.
It is a monstrous thing to do, to slay a unicorn...you have slain something pure and defenceless and you will have but a half life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips.
My mum
According to the vegetarian society, the backing glue on postage stamps IS free from animal products. I hope this means the variety we have to lick (yuck - I always spit on my finger and wipe it on if I have to) AND the new sticky ones that we now just peel and apply.
Or are you not talking about postage stamps and you just like licking old ladies heads???
Anyway, back to the original question, I would like my future husband to be vegan, or possibly Brad Pitt, if they indeed do not end up being one and the same!
What? I thought we were just wishful thinking!!!
Re stamps & Liz Fartsore I put mine on envelopes upsidedown or slightly skew to show a bit of disrespect to the royal lark!
hahaha I agree!! Completely! It never ceases to amaze me that literally I think anyone could be president with money and connections and that is oh so sad. Furthermore, it is also quite pitiful that we have yet to find anyone since Bill Clinton that people actually want to have lead our country. The last two elections have been, well who's the lesser of two evils? Thats not the way things should be people! The people of the United States should be able to rally together and at least find one person that a distinct majority feels is fit to run the country.spo
"An outside enemy exists only if there is anger inside."
- Lama Zopa Rinpoche
i think the pope. he's the most powerful man in the world, or in any event, tons of people do stuff simply because he says to.
if he told people to stop using animals, they would stop. and at first it would be because they had been told to but eventually people would start to think up logical reasons for what they are doing. at least, that's how people usually operate. act first, justify later.
Bob Geldoff, Bono & Richard Curtis - wow! day long rock concerts to promote veganism and the power vegans would have on a mass scale to alter the problems such as habitat loss for animals and food shortage for humans.
I would love it if i could even get my parents to go vegetarian, but since this is wishful thinking, I would definately wish for my parents to be vegan.
Johnny Vegas!!!
Various Moslem and Jewish leaders. Then millions of animals wouldn't have their throats cut whilst still conscious. Other religious leaders might then follow their example to show that they were just as spiritual.
While this is not a worldly response, I would have to say my mom and my boyfriend (especially). Since I've become vegan, Brian (my boyfriend) has been very open minded when it comes to trying new foods and being able to hear and understand about the torture of animals. Also, they are the two people I love most in my life, so naturally I would want whats best for their health as well
Be thankful for this moment, this moment is your life:)
Emerald Lagasse. I want some cajun vegan recipes!!
All butchers
Every non-vegan.
Or at least Someone who can influence as many ppl in the world to go vegan.
If the most powerful leaders in the most poor countries in the world would go vegan and also learn something about nutrition, I'm sure a lot of their suffering and starving citizens would be happy. Eating plants instead of growing animal food+eat animals (or sell animal food to rich countries for a far too low price) means that a lot more people could be fed from the same land. Or - Kofi Annan, maybe?
I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.
Ok, Popeye The Sailor Man Then. He's already into dark, leafy green vegetables.tails4wagging
I will not eat anything that walks, swims, flies, runs, skips, hops or crawls.
Ronald McDonald
I really wish ppl on morning television would start preparing vegan foods/meals. It's a problem here. I see it as so because so many ppl start out their day watching this stuff & all they see are beef, beef, beef. It causes them to want that kind of meal for dinner. Gawd, America & this BEEF INDUSTRY!! *pulls out hair*
Sorry, you said one specific person. My mom, I think. She has fibrom & chronic pain. It's sad because I know how much better she would feel & she makes a concious decision to ignore me.
My dad has cancer, she has a brain tumor plus fibro & I just think they could see some miraculous happenings in their lives if they went vegan. Heck, even vegetarian would be a difference in their lives & the environment at this point.
Arnold Schwarzennegger.. My icon and guru for body-building. He claims to be an animal lover. He has banned foie gras production in the state of california. But ironically is not a vegetarian..
Life is like a boomerang: What goes around comes around - "Karma"rocks!
Arnie did not ban foie gras. The bill was amended to the point that it means there will be no discussion of legislature changes to foie gars production in california for 7 years, and when that time is up it only relates to a phasing out of production for one producer.
Oprah Winfrey, because of the ripple effect. She has so much influence over so many people.
Adam, did you know that the original Ronald McDonald became a vegetarian and broke his contract?
Unfortunatly his contract did not grant him control of the RM image, so the creepy flesh pushing clown lives on...
Ohadam antichrist
Life is like a boomerang: What goes around comes around - "Karma"rocks!