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Thread: B12: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto and ta

  1. #1
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default B12: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto and ta


    Is it true that macrobiotic food lacks vitamin B12?
    The assertion that meat is B12's only source is false. The daily need of man is 1 microgram (1 millionth of a gram). The liver of beef, it is true, is the richest source of B12 and contains 10 to 20 mg per 100 grams. Nori contains 13 to 29 micrograms per 100 grams. You can also find it in the germ of wheat, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, tamari, natto etc., eggs, salmon and hizikis. It is admitted by biochemistry that man is capable of synthesizing B12 in the intestines.
    For the moment, it seems that it is much more dangerous to eat organs of animals rich in B12, than to be fed a diet said to be lacking in B
    I'm not posting this to say that I can backup these statements by scientific research, but to start a thread where test reports re B12 levels in natto, sauerkraut etc can be posted...

    Test reports that contain detailed information about the relationship between true B12 and inactive B12 analogues are very welcome.

    Here's another quote:

    Tempeh is a traditional food from Indonesia. It is rich in protein, calcium and minerals. Naturally fermented soy products such as Tempeh, Natto, Miso and Shoyu contain plenty of Vitamin B12. Unfortunately, these foods are not listed in official dietary publications as sources of B12 for the simple reason that they are not very well known.
    Many vegetarians believe they lack B12. It is commonly known that animal food such as fatty fish supply B12, however, vegetarians can get a healthy supply of B12 from the fermented soy products mentioned above.

    Natto is produced of cooked and fermented soybeans. It is very helpful for digestion. If you suffer from intestinal problems, such as Candida or irritable intestines, include a small dish of natto often in your meals. Some people find the taste of Natto quite strong and bitter. A little like Camembert cheese, either you love it or you hate it. If you find the taste too strong, you can put one tablespoon of Natto in your miso soup or shoyu broth and simmer for 3-5 minutes. This will produce a milder taste, so you can enjoy the benefits of eating Natto
    ( From )

  2. #2
    I eve's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto and tamari

    Natto is described as fermented soybeans, so isn't that the same as, or another form of tempeh which is also fermented soybeans? I eat tempeh, also misu, and shoyu, and tofu.

  3. #3
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto and tamari

    Miso is also fermented soy beans... The only 'natto' I have eaten is natto miso.

  4. #4
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: B12: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto an

    There are circa 15 different types of miso, but AFAIK, most of these haven't been studied for their possible B12 content.

    There are some studies out there, but I don't think any of these are really new, because it's quite a while ago miso was presented (mainly by people promoting macrobiotic diet) as a reliable source of B12.

    I'll post more studies if I find them, but here's one study:

    Journal of Food Science
    Volume 52 Issue 2 Page 493-494, March 1987
    The USP microbiological assay with L. leichmannii, ATCC 7830, was used to determine vitamin B12 activity in light rice miso, dark rice miso, barley miso, tempeh and tempeh burger. Unpasteurized misos were found to have the highest B12 content, averaging 0.21 mcg/ 100g. Vitamin B12 activity in miso ranged from a high of 0.25 mcg/ 100g in barley miso to a low of 0.15 mcg/100g in light rice miso. Pasteurized tempeh contained 0.12 mcg vitamin B12 per 100g food. Tempeh burger contained 0.06 to 0.11 mcg vitamin B12 per 100g food. The variation in vitamin B12 activity found in these products may be due to different conditions used or produced during fermentation. Collaborative studies are needed and assessment of vitamin B12 pseudoform activity before these foods can be considered a source of vitamin B12.
    This study was from 1987 - there are also two studies available from 1988, which has been looking at 2-3 types of miso and found no detectable B12 in them.
    van den Berg H, Dagnelie PC, van Staveren WA. Vitamin B12 and Seaweed. Lancet Jan 30, 1988.
    Areekul S, Churdchu K, Pungpapong V. Serum folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B12 binding protein in vegetarians. J Med Assoc Thai 1988 May;71(5):253-7.)
    Another study from Thailand above found mmmmm in 'fermented soy paste' (miso is fermented soy paste):
    0.03 mcg in 30g, which equals 1mcg pr. 100g.
    (Ref: Areekul S, Pattanamatum S, Cheeramakara C, Churdchue K, Nitayapabskoon S, Chongsanguan M. The source and content of vitamin B12 in the tempehs. J Med Assoc Thai 1990 Mar;73(3):152-6.)

    If you have seen any studies on the ratio between active, bioavailable B12 and inactive B12 analogues in miso or any of the other products mentioned in the thread title, please post your info in this thread!

    According to the Nutraceutical Corporation, makers of VegLife, their B12 source used in their B-Complex supplement comes from a “microbial fermentation of brown rice.” The soymilk called Silk uses a fortified B12 source from a vegetable glucose fermentation process. B12 (for use in B12 supplements) is also produced by molasses fermentation, so obviously, several of the manufacturers of B12 supplements and B12 fortified foods agree that fermentation is a useful way to produce bioavailable B12.

    More about B12 in fermented food here:
    B12 in fermented black tea
    B12 from plant fermentation

  5. #5
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
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    Default Re: B12: Shoyu, wheat germ, freshly ground wholemeal, sauerkraut, miso, natto an

    Here are some more links about natto and B12:

    In Japan, Natto soybeans are fermented
    in a special process that turns them into
    a pungent mixture often eaten with rice
    and raw eggs for breakfast, or added to
    miso soup. Natto is full of vitamins B2
    and B12, plus 16.5 percent protein, and
    they look different too.
    Natto beans are small (maximum 5.5 mm
    diameter). They are long growing (group 5)
    beans and they have one unusual feature.
    Unlike most soybeans, Natto beans are a
    uniform cream color all over. They don’t
    have that little dark spot. Grading and
    sorting the beans to assure the necessary
    quality is part of the deal.
    (2) Natto-based Capsule series - Natto is fermented soybeans as a traditional Japanese staple for more than 1,000 years. It was manufactured by unique bioengineering and vacuum freeze drying technology which make our natto capsule containing rich natto's nutritional ingredients of natto kinase, active natto probiotics?Aactive peptides, SOD, fructose, isoflavones, r-polyglutamic acid, vitamin B12, vitamin K2, et al..
    However, bacillus natto produces various enzymes, vitamins, amino acids and other nutrients unique to natto during its natto fermentation. It is these unique elements that give natto its distinctive health and medical benefits. Notably nattokinase and pyrazine prevent or resolve blood clot. They prevent heart attacks and strokes that are the leading cause of death after cancer in North America.

    Soybeans are said to be the most complete nutritious crop. In Japan it is known as "meat, grown in a field, without detriments of meat." Incidentally natto provides Vitamin B12 that tends to lack in vegetarian diet.
    So what then is natto? Natto is steamed soybeans that are fermented, sometimes in rice straw, until the beans have acquired their notorious nutty flavor, disturbing aroma and sticky slipperiness, held together like a spider web by gossamer-like threads.

    How does it get this way? It's all in the secret sauce: the bacteria bacillus natto, which activates the fermentation process. After carefully-selected soybeans have been steamed in a steel vat, they are sprayed with this concoction, packed, then heated at 40-45°C and 100% humidity for up to 24 hours. The result is a highly digestible, unabashedly nutritious super-food. Bean for bean, natto packs more nutritional wallop than even a pint of Guinness: iron and vitamins B2 and B12, plus 16.5 percent protein.
    Vitamin B12: 0 mcg

    If most of the people quoted above are some sure that natto contains B12, why can't they refer to their sources? This info would be a lot more interesting if the B12 amount in micrograms was included, let alone if the ratio between bioavailable, active B12, and inactive B12 analogues had been mentioned as well...

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