Where can I pick up Vegnews in the metro Detroit area?
I did not see it at Whole Foods.
Where can I pick up Vegnews in the metro Detroit area?
I did not see it at Whole Foods.
I've never seen it in any store. I got my subscription online. It's a great magazine. Highly recommended.
Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. - Albert Einstein
I just saw VegNews in Wild Oats the other day! It was the one with the 2005 awards on the cover. So, they might have it there for you. It's the first time I've seen it in any store.
If at first you don't succeed, laugh as you set it ablaze!
I found it!
I took a chance and checked out Barnes and Noble and there it was!
They had the previous issue and the current issue.
So you may want to look there if you have one around.
Thanks for replying.
i get it at wholefoods. although i want to get a subscriptionCranberry
good to see a fellow michigander on the vf
Likewise Mo!
Put it on your christmas list and give Santa a link to the site, you get free goodies with a 20 dollar subscription.mophoto
$20/year subscription
Your gift recipient will receive a one-year subscription to VegNews along with our signature oversized tote bag filled with the current edition of VegNews, a high quality cotton t-shirt, six delicious Alternative Baking Company vegan cookies, and an attractive gift note. PLUS, we’ll ship the gift pack anywhere in the U.S. absolutely FREE of charge.
VegNews Magazine | Give A Gift
i will! thanks cranberryCranberry