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Thread: Was meat-eating essential for human evolution?

  1. #101

    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Default Re: Was meat-eating essential for human evolution?

    There is yet another theory that not meat but cooking - in particular, cooking tubers - sparked a crucial turning point in human evolution.

  2. #102

    Default Re: Was meat-eating essential for human evolution?

    Early humans did lots of things we don't (and shouldn't) carry on, for example, mating with their own children/siblings, sleeping in their own waste, etc.

  3. #103
    TarekF's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    United States

    Default Re: Was meat-eating essential for human evolution?

    To add a bit to the discussion I thought i'd link a post from PaleoVeganology, a blog I follow of a vegan anthropology student.

    In this article he takes down the common hypothesis in favor of "meat made us smart". He also links us to a paper in nature which refutes the "expensive tissue hypothesis". Both are well written and fascinating.

    Unfortunately you need a subscription to view the nature article

    I would definitely recommend the blog though, everything on there is interesting and intellectually rigorous, not to mention quite unbiased.

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