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Thread: Too many carbs??

  1. #1

    Default Too many carbs??

    I've been veggie for 3 years, and recently turned vegan. I had heard all these lovely rumours of losing weight when turning vegan, because of cutting out all the dairy products and such. Don't get me wrong, I didn't turn vegan because of that at was just a supposed added extra! BUT since I've turned vegan I find I have actually GAINED weight!! Nothing substantial (less than 5 pounds) but still, I'm not impressed!

    I think it has something to do with the amount of carbs I eat. I know that carbs in excess can make you gain weight - pastas, rice, bread, bagels etc., but I find that this is what I eat a lot of! I usually have cereal, toast, or a bagel for breakfast, and if I'm feeling lazy, just make myself some pasta for dinner. It's quick and easy and sooooo bad because I eat it all the time!

    I have a ton of vegan recipes, but again, most of them are pasta-based. I live with my mom and grocery shopping happens once every 2 weeks or so, which means that fresh fruits & veggies are not in high supply. I'm feeling really frustrated/bored with my eating and not very pleased with the additional few pounds creeping up...

    Any suggestions/advice/I don't even know...!!??

  2. #2

    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Hi katchus!

    Here is some info:

    Carbohydrates: 4 calories per gram

    Protein: 4 calories per gram

    Fat: 9 calories per gram

    Alcohol: 7 calories per gram

    Don't listen to the low carb meat eating fanatics!

    If you are concerned, try checking the glycemic index of your carbohydrates. It is better for your health if you don't eat too many refined carbohydrates.

  3. #3
    kriz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Salads and soups help me lose weight. It's light and very easy to prepare.
    "Animals are my friends... and I don't eat my friends". ~ George Bernhard Shaw.

  4. #4
    Knolishing Pob's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Things that might help (you might already be doing some of these): Have wholegrain cereal, wholewheat pasta, brown rice, wholemeal bread, sweet potatoes instead of regular potatoes, potato wedges (with skins) rather than skinless chips. Have smaller portions of starchy foods, and fill the rest of the plate up with salads or steamed veg. Have smaller (in terms of calories) meals and more of them. Try to avoid low calorie foods which are high in sugar and low in fat. I too have put on some weight since becoming vegan. Maybe, the removal of milk and other animal products is allowing our bodies to absorb more of the calories we are eating.

  5. #5
    driftingAway piggy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    I agree with Rob. Try wholewheat instead of refined white flours.

  6. #6
    fortified twinkle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Quote katchus
    ... I have a ton of vegan recipes, but again, most of them are pasta-based. I live with my mom and grocery shopping happens once every 2 weeks or so, which means that fresh fruits & veggies are not in high supply...
    I'm not sure what kind of food budget you have, but it's well worth making an effort to make sure you're having fresh fruit and vegetables every day. I know when I don't have enough fresh stuff I start feeling lethargic and then don't feel like exercising, and then it's just a downward spiral. Is there no way you can buy more fresh fruit and veg bit by bit? get a couple of bananas and some berries from a shop nearby to make a smoothie with once every couple of days, for example? If you can't physically get out to buy, there may be a box scheme in your area?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Taking your measurements is a better way of keeping track of your body than weighing yourself. You might gain some weight from exercise increasing your muscle mass, which is good, or, since you are still living at home, you might just be experiencing some growth (I don't know how old you are, but people do continue growing til about 18 or so). A person's weight can also fluctuate by several pounds over the course of a single day, due to various reasons, so if the gain is less than 5 lbs., it may just be a normal fluctuation.

  8. #8
    Kiva Dancer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    If you're eating a lot of refined carbs (which you are), then yes, you will put on weight.

    Don't cut carbs completely and DON'T listen to the carbophobic meat-eaters, just choose whole grain souces and whole food souces over refined sources.

    The body needs carbs for energy. Whole food sources give that energy. Refined sources take that energy away.
    It's vegan, which means it's vegetarian which means there's nothing unheathy in it. -- my guy trying to explain vegan junkfood.

  9. #9
    fortified twinkle's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    By the way, I keep reading the title of this thread as 'Too many crabs'

  10. #10
    Cloudy's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Quote twinkle
    By the way, I keep reading the title of this thread as 'Too many crabs'
    That sounds like a load of carp to me
    I bet Yoda was a vegan

  11. #11

    Join Date
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    Just as Seaside said above:
    Fat: 9 calories per gram
    Fat is more calorie packed than any of the other nutrients so don't forget all vegetable oils. They really shoot up your calorie intake. I don't use any vegetable oils or margarines at all for anything. If you want to get the nutrients those fats provide then do just like some of the previous posters said and eat whole foods.

    Definitely try and have whole flour rather than refined since it's not absorbed as fast through your intestines. The fiber in it makes you feel more full also. If you really want to, just cut flour out completely and do more starches like potatoes, rice, etc. since they're more calorie dilute.

  12. #12
    Zandi's Avatar
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    Default Re: Too many carbs??

    I'm so glad this was asked! I'm a newbie vegan (6 months) and also gained a few pounds since I gave up animal products. I thought it was odd, but I feel a million times better than how I ate before, so I don't mind. I eat lots of veggies and fruit that's not my excuse. I think I just love the food way too much! I have to do what Seaside suggested and take measurements, then maybe write down what I am eating to see what the problem is here. hee hee... Just because it's healthy, doesn't mean I need to eat 4 servings of it at once! I think ultimately, my issue is portion control, so I'll do a food journal for a little while until I can figure out what I'm doing wrong. Maybe that would help you too? You can see how many bagels you're really eating each week! I'm sure you're much healthier now, so don't worry too much about it. Good luck and keep us posted!

    PS> Frozen fruits, like blueberries, are great in smoothies too if you can't get fresh! You can stock up on those! Frozen veggies are great in a pinch too!
    Call me Candi! :D

    Also, add me on your MySpace account! :)

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