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Thread: My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes? :(

  1. #1

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Pacific NW, USA

    Default My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes? :(

    I've been looking thru the forums here and for the life of me I can't find anything that pertains to forum posting rules and policies, regulations and things. Does such a thing exist? I'd opted for that rather than asking the mods a zillion questions, but if I need to, I will. I'd like to place an ad here and there in the product forums for a few of my own things that I'm selling and advertise them, but I don't wish to assume or be presumptious. Yes, I was indeed raised with manners, hehe! :P *sticking tongue out* If given the "go ahead permission", I will go ahead and do so and talk it up about my stuff I'm promoting, but I just wanna be sure is all. Other than promoting something vial or disgusting, dangerous, threatening or what have you, is there any kind of limitation or anything I have to abide by there? Please let me know as soon as you can.

    Oh, and yes, I've created started a really cool new holistic natural living blog that I'd love to share with the group here. I promote my writings and ebooks on there. Is it okay to share about that too? I'd like to mention it in my profile signature actually.

    Thank you,
    Veganpixie girl

  2. #2
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Question about product & advertisement posting

    Hi, if the product you are advertising is relevant to being vegan, it's OK to to post a message in Projects, Products and Companies.

    We have removed a lot of spam (ads for inexpensive phone cards, cigarettes etc), but I'm sure you've got something else you'd like to tell us about!

    From our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions):
    'If you want to promote another relevant site, please post a (one) link in the subforum called 'Links, news, articles', or in the 'Project/product info & promotion'. (Oops, I need to update the FAQ, because the name of that subforum has changed...)


  3. #3

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Pacific NW, USA

    Default Re: Question about product & advertisement posting

    Hi Korn and thank you for your reply to my question. Ahhh! well, of course not, post about something as disgusting and gross and toxic as cigarettes or anything of the like? ick ick ick! :P ptooie! hehe Are you saying that all products must be strictly only relevant to veganism? Or are you saying that the product must be vegan-friendly and be something that is gentle and cruelty-free? I ask this because the ebooks I've written that I wish to promote are about healthy natural non-toxic living. 1 ebook is about fitness and going vegan & the other 2 are about how to enjoy a non-toxic organic healthy living lifestyle without harming the environment or the animals. There are other things I'd like to promote, but that's just a sample. So, would this be okay to promote? Also, you didn't respond to my question about promoting my blog in my signature. The blog mentions my ebooks. Is this acceptable? Please let me know. Thanks.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Pacific NW, USA

    Default My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes?:(

    I don't know why, but maybe I"m remembering wrong, but I could have sworn that last year I received a sweet warm Birthday wish e-card from Veganforum, but this year I didn't get anything! *cryiing* I was sad and disappointed. Today is my 36th Birthday and I was feeling very sad and depressed today...rough difficult day for me. Also, I posted in this forum with questions about advertising and Korn did indeed respond, but I didn't get another response to my 2nd question reply. Are my posts working and being seen? I basically wanted to know if the advertising can only be strictly for vegan and vegan-related products/services or if it can be products that are at least vegan-friendly and cruelty-free, like for example, a posted ad for an ebook I wrote that teaches how to enjoy non-toxic hygiene and how to have a clean house without using chemicals, and only using products that are biodegradable and organic. These companies that make natural non-toxic products are conscious companies and do not test on animals and many or most of them do not contain any animal ingredients.

    Please help,
    Last edited by Korn; Dec 18th, 2005 at 01:42 AM. Reason: This post was from another thread about the same topic.

  5. #5

    Default Re: My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes?:(

    Happy Birthday Veganpixie

  6. #6
    baffled harpy's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes?:(

    Happy birthday from me too, Veganpixie!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    UK Midlands

    Default Re: My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes?:(

    Happy Birthday

  8. #8
    Ex-admin Korn's Avatar
    Join Date
    Apr 2004

    Default Re: Question about product & advertisement posting

    Quote veganpixie
    Are you saying that all products must be strictly only relevant to veganism? Or are you saying that the product must be vegan-friendly and be something that is gentle and cruelty-free? I ask this because the ebooks I've written that I wish to promote are about healthy natural non-toxic living. 1 ebook is about fitness and going vegan & the other 2 are about how to enjoy a non-toxic organic healthy living lifestyle without harming the environment or the animals. There are other things I'd like to promote, but that's just a sample. So, would this be okay to promote? Also, you didn't respond to my question about promoting my blog in my signature. The blog mentions my ebooks. Is this acceptable? Please let me know. Thanks.
    Hi, the reason we don't welcome all kinds of ads is that this could easily convert the forum into a kind of marketplace where lots of people would fill up signatures and avatars with sites and products they wanted to promote. What you describe (fitness+vegan and organic lifestyle) sounds great...

    Re. the 'other' things, I guess they're not a problem either... the tricky thing is to say yes to someone and no to someone else, but let's just improvise and communicate .

    Not long ago we had someone who registered only to advertise for a book he wanted to sell, he didn't participate in the forum, and the 'product' also seemed to be a bit 'preachy' - he also posted the same thing in many subforums. This is a good example of the kind of ads/promotional style we are not very happy with. I know many members think it's great that this place is not filled up with signatures promoting this or that, ad banners, commercial avatars etc., but of course we want to help people who have started a vegan cafe or written a book about vegan health...

    Just PM me if you have more specific questions, and: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

  9. #9
    Lily's Avatar
    Join Date
    Sep 2005

    Default Re: My post about "advertising" and no Birthday wishes? :(

    A belated "Happy Birthday!" to you, Veganpixie.

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