Hello everyone,
I've been a vegan for only 5 days now. I've found a Whole Foods store (2) in my city and a vegan fast food/buffet resturant. The people in the Whole Foods Store was very helpful and I met other vegan there as well. So far, I haven't eaten any animal products since Monday of last week and plan on never eating any more animal products.
I question everything that I eat now making sure that isn't made with any animal products. As I went to the vegan fast food resturant today to order a pepper steak sandwich (Steak-Flavored soy protein with rainbow peppers and Soy Cheese on tomato tortilla) and a side of Yellow Split Pea soup (Split lentils ), I came home to wonderful smell. My mother had baked sweet potato in the microwave.
I thought about it for a minute. Then I began to think that the vitamins in the potato's had to be killed during the microwave process and turn away from it. My mother knows I've become vegan and she supports me although she is still a meat eater. So, when I told her no thanks because I believed the vitamins had been killed in the microwave process, she didn't get upset and asked me how should she cook them for me next time. I told her to boil them.
I guess my long winded question is, How are sweet potato's supposed to be cook so not to kill the vitamins? I know with vegetables, you're supposed to steam them so not to kill the vitamins.
Please go easy on me since I'm new to being a vegan.