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Thread: Coffee/Tea and Vitamin Absorption

  1. #1
    Eating Wildflower's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Default Coffee/Tea and Vitamin Absorption

    I have heard that the tannins in tea prohibit vitamin absorption...but then I heard that green tea helps promote vitamin absorption.

    Then I heard coffee prohibits it too...

    What are your thoughts? Do you take coffee/tea with a meal?

  2. #2
    ♥♥♥ Tigerlily's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coffee/Tea and Vitamin Absorption

    I heard it's mainly a concern for iron absorption. So if I'm having an iron rich meal (lentil dish with a spinach salad for example), I don't want to "ruin it" by having tea. But if it's a meal that's not very high in iron, I will have tea.
    Peace, love, and happiness.

  3. #3
    purrr..! DoveInGreyClothing's Avatar
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    Default Re: Coffee/Tea and Vitamin Absorption

    I've started having fruit juice with meals to enhance iron absorbtion, and have teas and occaisonally coffee at seperate times from meals- I give it about half an hour to digest before a cuppa- should I leave it longer?

    It's not just iron, I'm sure I've read vitamin C absorbtion is also inhibited by tannins and caffeine. And don't forget cola is also full of caffeine. Also, most of you know this, but for goodness' sake don't smoke 'cos this inhibits absorbtion too.
    It is a monstrous thing to do, to slay a have slain something pure and defenceless and you will have but a half life, a cursed life, from the moment the blood touches your lips.

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