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Thread: Earthlings

  1. #151
    CATWOMAN sandra's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    I alternate between being a 'happy' vegan to being a vegan engulfed with rage..................sometimes I feel as if I'm about to explode with the anger, pain, sadness, and horror of what goes on in this world and the way so called 'human beings' treat animals. I'm particularly angry today after watching peta videos..................I had a bit of a rant in Tesco today in the 'meat aisle' I'm afraid! I think I managed to do it in a controlled way though so I didn't look like too much of an idiot!
    I like Sandra, she keeps making me giggle. Daft little lady - Frosty

  2. #152

    Default Re: Earthlings

    Quote sandra View Post
    I had a bit of a rant in Tesco today in the 'meat aisle' I'm afraid!
    I'm curious: do you mean you ranted to a friend, to a stranger? Just wondering the sorts of things other people here do. I rarely engage strangers in conversation about these sorts of things, but I rant to my partner with other people within earshot. I sometimes throw around the word vegan deliberately as well, with things like, "Mmm, you look good", to a box of cookies or something, "but are you vegan?".

  3. #153
    Josh James xVx

    Default Re: Earthlings

    I did watch Earthlings and it did have an affect on me, but this was years after the fact of me becoming vegan.

    I feel like if at all possible this film should be screened in settings where it's likely to move people. College vegetarian or AR groups should definitely consider free screenings once or twice a year at least. They're fairly easy to set up and there's really no good reason not to invite people to view the film.

    Although personally I find that more low budget and individual activities like leafleting can be just as effective and take far less time to organize.

  4. #154
    veganvoo's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    Its worked again! A friend phoned late last night thanking me for sending him a link to Earthlings. He's played around with vegetarianism over the past few years and has asked for advice to replace dairy products and chicken. Now, however, he's woken up and is considering going vegan if I can support his transistion. He also made a very good comment on how in Earthlings you could replace the animals with humans and watch whats going on right now with our lives. Were being manipulated, controlled and kept in a state of fear and like a herd of bulls going into the slaughter house we feel helpless and scared of the global elites plans for our future.

  5. #155

    Default Re: Earthlings

    Quote veganvoo View Post
    ... in Earthlings you could replace the animals with humans and watch whats going on right now with our lives. Were being manipulated, controlled and kept in a state of fear and like a herd of bulls going into the slaughter house we feel helpless and scared of the global elites plans for our future.
    Definitely! The more animal product, drug, etc. propaganda I see, the more footage of politicians' empty speeches I see, etc. the more aware I'm becoming of human exploitation and oppression, and how necessary it is for the continuation of nonhuman animal exploitation/oppression.

    Congrats on getting someone else to go vegan, BTW!

  6. #156
    TXvegan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    I just watched Earthlings this week for the first time. I went through the gauntlet of emotions watching it - rage, disgust, sadness, disbelief, you name it...and relief to have gone vegan. I just can't imagine someone who can watch that film and not be profoundly effected by it.

  7. #157
    Sgable84's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    Quote becks View Post
    EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called “non-human providers.” The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix (GLADIATOR) and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby.

    With an in-depth study into pet stores, puppy mills and animals shelters, as well as factory farms, the leather and fur trades, sports and entertainment industries, and finally the medical and scientific profession, EARTHLINGS uses hidden cameras and never before seen footage to chronicle the day-to-day practices of some of the largest industries in the world, all of which rely entirely on animals for profit. Powerful, informative and thought-provoking, EARTHLINGS is by far the most comprehensive documentary ever produced on the correlation between nature, animals, and human economic interests. There are many worthy animal rights films available, but this one transcends the setting. EARTHLINGS cries to be seen. Highly recommended!
    I literally just finished watching this movie.

    I am very pissed/sad/emotional about watching this movie.
    Pissed: because people can allow this to happen, that workers can actually do this to the animals, and that with this knowledge, people still eat meat and wear leather.
    Sad: because these animals are suffering, and for so long, I was apart of it (by eating meat, wearing leather and fur)
    Emotional: because I want to do MUCH MORE than what I am doing now. I am now thinking of new ways to improve the situation.

    If you have not seen it yet, I do for sure recommend it. I cried through pretty much all of it.

    If you have netflix, they have it available.

  8. #158
    Sgable84's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    Quote Mollfie View Post
    I want my boyfriend to watch it as it might be a good final push into atleast vegetarianism. But he won't watch it because he knows it will upset him. I might re-watch it anyway and he'll end up seeing it too.
    I have to wonder when people say "it will just upset me if I see that stuff" how come if it upsets them that much, then why do they continue to endorse it???
    I'm not picking on you Mollfie, or your BF. It just makes me mom does the same thing, she doesn't want to watch that kind of stuff, and yet she endorses it by eating meat, and wearing leather and fur. its really disturbing.

  9. #159
    Back-Space's Avatar
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    Quote Sgable84 View Post
    I have to wonder when people say "it will just upset me if I see that stuff" how come if it upsets them that much, then why do they continue to endorse it???
    I'm not picking on you Mollfie, or your BF. It just makes me mom does the same thing, she doesn't want to watch that kind of stuff, and yet she endorses it by eating meat, and wearing leather and fur. its really disturbing.
    My parents do the same thing... I guess they figure it's too late to make a change now.

  10. #160

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    Default Re: Earthlings

    I showed this film to a few of my friends. 2 went vegetarian .
    Sad ass movie though.. Truth hurts but that is fine. I prefer reality over ignorance.

  11. #161
    Back-Space's Avatar
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    I couldn't watch it myself. Got a few minutes into it and shut it off. I like feeling good for cutting meat out of my diet. I don't need to be reminded of why I'm doing it. Definitely a good thing for omnivores to watch... Show them what their money pays for.

  12. #162
    Sgable84's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    Quote kathy903 View Post
    I showed this film to a few of my friends. 2 went vegetarian .

  13. #163

    Default Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    I made a petition to get Earthlings on Television. When it gets 1,000 or more signatures
    I will email it to multiple television networks asking them to air this on their channel.
    If even one network agrees to it would make a big difference in the world

    Please take the time to sign this petition.

    Thank you

  14. #164
    Bad Buddhist Clueless Git's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    Quote BlackBow View Post
    Please take the time to sign this petition.

    Thank you
    All done in the best possible taste ...

  15. #165
    Not real name!
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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    Worthy idea but it'll never happen. At best you'd be looking at a minority channel that hardly anyone watches. I expect even less would choose to face the reality of their diet. I can't imagine that advertisers will want time during it either.

    Harsh but realistic. Personally I just put the Earthlings website into anything and everything I can.

  16. #166

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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    Quote BlackBow View Post
    I made a petition to get Earthlings on Television. When it gets 1,000 or more signatures
    I will email it to multiple television networks asking them to air this on their channel.
    If even one network agrees to it would make a big difference in the world

    Please take the time to sign this petition.

    Thank you
    Ive signed

  17. #167

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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.


  18. #168

    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.


  19. #169

    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    I know, I'm not too optimistic about it. But it's worth a shot.
    And still I got 88 signs so maybe someone who never heard
    of Earthlings will google it and watch it.

  20. #170
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default What did you think of the documentary Earthlings?

    I am currently watching is such an emotionally gripping documentary. I was just wondering who else has seen it and what you thought of it. Were you able to take anything from it? There was so much information in this movie, I really think everyone should watch it, even if you have to look away at some points during it (I have a very weak stomach). Through all the tears I have been shedding I am never more proud of my decision to be vegan.
    Last edited by Korn; Sep 12th, 2012 at 07:05 AM. Reason: This was the first post in a similar thread

  21. #171
    Vegan Princess BellaTanie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    signed <3

  22. #172
    fiver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    I recently convinced my parents to watch both Earthlings & Peaceable Kingdom. Here is a short summary of non-vegan reactions to the films:

    Earthlings is undoubtedly more comprehensive, as it deals with Pets, Food, Clothing, Entertainment and Science. However, my Dad's reaction after watching the film was that 'most people' would not tolerate the cruelty on display in the film. He tried to argue that the abuse was an anomaly, not representative of "humane" animal farming and exploitation. My brother (who likewise sanctions animal use, but not 'cruelty') says much the same thing. I explained that animal exploiters DO accept a number of the documented cruel practices (that if done to companion animals would be illegal and punishable). This point has so far been met with indignant silence (!). Cruelty aside, the more obvious concern is that of exploitation. In this regard, I have highlighted abolitionist articles by Tom Regan and Gary Francione.

    Peaceable Kingdom (PK). My parents (who have admittedly been mercilessly hounded by me in recent times) said that this film should be shown to more people, if only because it allowed non-vegans to understand the ethical concerns of vegans, whom they said were generally considered oddballs. They found the subjects of the film quite personable. PK seemed to have more of an impact on them overall because it highlights the abuses inherent in the dairy and poultry industries. Non-vegans seem to think that meat is the only source of any ethical dilemma. The fact that ex-farmers have changed their minds about animal use seems to count for much. PK is less confronting, but hardly dilutes the issues. Therefore, I think it is more persuasive overall.

    My Dad (who already accomodates my beliefs re: the inevitable shared meals) said that as a result of my recent advocacy, they have been making some effort to ween themselves off meat and other animal products, though they might never go fully vegetarian or vegan. It's hard to celebrate futility, but something is better than nothing, sort of. ?

    Last edited by fiver; Oct 31st, 2012 at 05:52 PM.

  23. #173
    zazu's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sign this petition to get Earthlings aired on Television.

    My dad wants to go vegan, and I think he might actually do it this time. One of his good friends recently got diagnosed with prostate cancer, so I told him to make him watch "Forks Over Knives" so he knows the connection between diet and health, but if that doesn't work, I'm sending the one about factory farming, but that's disturbing (I had "Earthlings" in mind when I said that, and from what I've read in this thread, "Earthlings" should make anyone with a soul stop using animals).

    However, this means that now I might have to watch it... I don't know if I can handle it, but I'll probably watch at least some anyways so I know what I'm getting them into...

  24. #174

    Default Re: Earthlings

    Cried the entire time! A really great resource for anyone teetering between omnivore and vegetarian!

  25. #175

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    Default Re: Earthlings

    I sat down and watched Earthlings over the weekend with my partner (at home vegan, out and about vego), and we had to watch it over two days due to my incessant sobbing. It was enlightening, but altogether harrowing and heartbreaking. I truly cannot comprehend the heartlessness of some people. The worst part of it was the next day, when I went to visit my family (omnivores), and the film was brought up when one member of the family noticed a FB status about it and asked what it was. I was shocked at one family members response (this family member has recently bought a puppy from a breeder claiming that it would have ended up at the pound if they hadn't "rescued" it when I mentioned that the pound is full of puppies that are only going to be killed). This family member chose the "one person can't change anything" route and basically sat there claiming that it would be stupid to try to fix it. I get so frustrated by this when a family member wont even see my point of view. I DID get back up from my mother, who has been very supportive of my lifestyle change (always cooks me something special when I go to dinner, and makes sure to take me to places she knows will serve vegan foods when we go out), which is amazing, but I still get frustrated with the lack of understanding from others who claim to be so "open-minded"....... Hmmm.
    I AM pleasantly surprised though with a few friends on social media who, after seeing my post then decided to watch for themselves! It makes me feel like the "one person" can actually make a difference

  26. #176
    Dogbandit's Avatar
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    Default Re: Earthlings

    I watched the trailer for Earthlings and broke down. I just can't do it. I know I'm never eating/wearing animals again. Fair play if you make it through. I just felt ill.

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