I just made a new personal web site to disseminate ( for free ) information about being healthy on a vegan or vegetarian diet.
The first link at the top of the site explains how to watch this free streaming video ( 60 min ):
Optimum Vegetarian Nutrition : Surprising New Research On Omega 3's and B12 by Dr. Michael Greger M.D.
It explains how some large sophisticated studies have been finding that despite positive health indicators vegans as well vegetarians have been having the same mortality rates, if not worse then omnivores. It explains how to make some small dietary changes with omega 3 fatty acids and adequte vitamin b-12 intake to prevent people from dying prematurely.
IMHO watching this video could be one of the best spent hours of your year:
I am posting about this issue again because I did not know that this resource was available and I think most veg*ns would find it interesting.
(Korn, if you watch this video I will read any freely available material you ask me to as long as the time required to read it does not exceed an hour)