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Thread: Rodeos :(

  1. #1
    I eve's Avatar
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    Default Rodeos :(

    Animal liberationists in New South Wales are targetting a rodeo in the state's north, to set a precedent for banning calf-roping events. They plan to lobby the Lismore City Council to ban the event, on cruelty grounds. Executive director Mark Pearson hopes to set a precedent for other state rodeos.

    "It's fundamentally the abuse of animals for entertainment; and basically on those grounds we'll be putting a submission to council and addressing council, asking that they bring about the first ban in a local government area in NSW."

    Of course the Lismore Turf Club, which stages local rodeo events, denies that it is mistreating animals.

  2. #2


    good on 'em. I hope they keep the pressure up.

  3. #3
    I eve's Avatar
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    Unhappy What do you think about rodeos?

    Protest disrupts rodeo by Mathew Dunckley of Herald Sun 17apr05

    Animal rights protesters disrupted the State of Origin International Rodeo at Rod Laver Arena last night. Just before the main event – a $100,000 bull-riding contest – six Animal Liberation Victoria protesters ran on the arena with a banner reading "bloodsport". The protest disrupted the show for about five minutes and followed an earlier "naked protest" in the city.

    It was believed the protesters were removed by security guards and the police were not involved. A witness told the Sunday Herald Sun the protesters were booed as they left the arena.

    Protest organiser Hayley Budrius said rodeo "physically tormented" animals. Rodeo organisers were unavailable for comment.

  4. #4
    veganblue's Avatar
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    Default Re: rodeos

    Brave souls. Sad that the general public doesn't understand some of the terrible treatments of animals at rodeo's for their 'enjoyment'.

    We attended a horse festival on Saturday to get footage of the demonstration rodeo events that were designed to show a clean face to the public. The standards were 'high' and the commentry focused on animal welfare, the excitement for the riders and the adrenaline of the challenge. They described a bucking calf that got away as 'having a bit of fun" and how much the animals were enjoying themselves. It was very strange.

    Neck wrenching of the steers is disturbing to watch and how it can be thought of as anything less than terrifying for the steer is unknown to me. This was merely a dressed up show, for the happy families.

    Some on lookers beside us said "They have really cleaned up their act! It must be due to all those protests."

    They are certainly more cautious and were very aware that we were attending - four video cameras is a give-away. I am hoping that a constant presence will encourage this caution. Footage in the media's hands at prime time has quite an impact.

    I would like to believe that the animal handlers will oneday develop some empathy for the animals they use; I can't understand how it could be otherwise, working so closely with the animals themselves.
    "if compassion is extreme, then call me an extremist"

  5. #5
    cross barer
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    Default Re: rodeos

    ALV requested video access from the "State of Origin" rodeo but were ignored. Members snuck cameras in and got the whole stunt on film. It not only shows the brave activists in the ring being manhandled by security and at one point attacked by an audience member; but also the row upon row of empty seats... which made me happy to know that people are people but they won't pay hundreds of bloody dollars to watch a rodeo in the middle of the city!

  6. #6
    veganblue's Avatar
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    Default Re: rodeos

    The photo's came through this morning in the inbox; two very brave individuals clad only in their placards. "Nobody likes an eight second ride" and "Buck the rodeo".

    There are whispers that the rodeo's are dying however and I wonder if in part it is due to there being less people on the land and therefore fewer heartless hooligans that seem to feel that they have something to prove in this manner. This should be encouragment for everyone involved.
    "if compassion is extreme, then call me an extremist"

  7. #7
    Jacqui's Avatar
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    Default What do you think about rodeos?

    RSPCA Australia has a poll, what do you think about rodeos?
    This has been getting a lot of media coverage in the last few weeks thanks to some brave people who have been filming the cruelty.
    Please vote here

  8. #8

    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Here's another rodeo poll:

    Please go to and vote YES to the question:
    "Would you support moves to ban rodeos? "

    So far ~80% would support banning rodeos!

  9. #9
    Maisiepaisie's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Some people think rodeos are harmless but the expressions on the horses faces in these pictures is heartbreaking

    Yet another reason to boycott that very unethical company, Starbucks - their support of the Cheyenne Frontier days rodeo

  10. #10
    Span's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Well seaside, your poll is doing OK, but what's going on with RSPCA Australia? 49% think rodeos should stay! You would think people looking on the RSPCA web site would be a little more compassionate towards animals

  11. #11
    Jacqui's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Quote Span
    Well seaside, your poll is doing OK, but what's going on with RSPCA Australia? 49% think rodeos should stay! You would think people looking on the RSPCA web site would be a little more compassionate towards animals
    The RSPCA poll was a lot different earlier in the week until one of the rodeo sites listed it.

  12. #12

  13. #13
    Jacqui's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Only the RSPCA poll is listed on the rodeo site, and you can vote more than once. (I think this is the last day)
    "Rodeos are cruel to animals and should be banned" only 33%
    "Rodeos are not cruel and should continue as they are" 57%
    please vote here

  14. #14
    Span's Avatar
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Quote Jacqui
    The RSPCA poll was a lot different earlier in the week until one of the rodeo sites listed it.

    Ah that explains alot

  15. #15

    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Angry Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    I think rodeos are disgusting and cruel (sorry to state the obvious ). I
    recently wrote to Starbucks to complain about their sponsorship of rodeos:

    Dear Sir,
    I read today with great disappointment about your sponsorship of rodeos, including the Calgary Stampede which has been responsible for the cruel and unnecessary deaths of animals in the past. I often visit Starbucks with family and friends and have always been very impressed with the products and service you provide, but you can rest assured that until you stop your sponsorship of rodeos I shall not be visiting your stores and shall be telling family, friends and acquaintances about this so-called "entertainment" and your support of it.

    Yours sincerely

    This was the reply I got:

    Dear Ms. Peterson,

    Thank you for contacting Starbucks Coffee Company.

    Starbucks marketing efforts are primarily locally driven and focus on fostering positive community connections in the many neighborhoods our stores serve. We are committed to contributing positively to these communities through sponsorships, events, product donations and community giving programs. Also, we encourage our store partners (employees) to be involved in their neighborhoods in ways they feel are most important to their communities.

    As active members of their communities, our stores embrace, and often reflect the culture and customs of the diverse neighborhoods they serve. As a result, in communities where rodeos are an important part of the culture, Starbucks could be present through a coffee donation or other community giving activity.

    We work hard to support our communities in a way that is consistent with Starbucks culture and values. Our goal is to support, not to offend, our community of neighbors.

    To learn more about how Starbucks supports the communities we serve, please see our Corporate Social Responsibility Report at

    Again, thank you for contacting Starbucks Coffee Company.


    Ericka H.
    Starbucks Customer Relations

    I filled in their questionnaire and told them their feedback had only reinforced the message that my money would be better spent elsewhere

  16. #16

    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    I wonder if Starbucks would support the raping of baby girls, which is a 'custom' in parts of Africa, (as a cure for AIDS) or the clubbing of baby seals, which is a 'custom' in Canada?
    Steve Hindi (SHARK) got Pepsi to stop sponsoring rodeos so it would be worth contacting him about Starbucks:

  17. #17

    Join Date
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    Default Re: What do you think about rodeos?

    Quote Geoff
    I wonder if Starbucks would support the raping of baby girls, which is a 'custom' in parts of Africa, (as a cure for AIDS) or the clubbing of baby seals, which is a 'custom' in Canada?
    Excellent point, Geoff! I wonder what "Ericka H." would have to say - I wonder why she doesn't sign her full name? Fear of reprisals?

    Quote Geoff
    Steve Hindi (SHARK) got Pepsi to stop sponsoring rodeos so it would be worth contacting him about Starbucks:
    Thanks - I will try contacting him and see what happens. Hugs!

  18. #18
    treehugga's Avatar
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    Bendigo, Victoria, Australia

    Default Re: Rodeos :(

    I saw an tv ad last week advertising Vanessa Amorosi who has been quoted "I don't believe in testing on animals or any sort of cruelty", Highlighting Vanessa as the star attraction to sing at a rodeo in Victoria. God, what next!


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