So I was over my parents house for a big family dinner. My parents, sister, cousin and uncle and auntie were over. The dinner was steak and roast veg.
And they started to talk about meat, and I was so disturbed I had to leave the table. They were talking about how to create the perfect cow out of different breeds to make the best beef, and saying about sperm and all that. It was so dehumanising, I can't think of another word. To hear people talk about living, feeling creatures like they are just products was so disturbing. How can people sit around talking about sperm to make meat, don't they wonder how it's all done? It's so creepy how detached people are. And then came out the huge amounts of cheese, and I had to leave the table.
They were talking about castration and organic meat and which tastes nicer. I just wanted to scream. These are living, feeling creatures! How can people talk aboud sperm and castration and not realise how fucked up and perverse it is? They were talking about how some people prefer basic meat to free range and it tasted better, and how free range chickens aren't as big. So much disconnect going on.
I seriously cannot relate to people any more! To hear my family members talk about animals in such a horrible way, I try and think they are just brainwashed, but it's hard. They knows my views on animals and I have educated them, but they shush me up. They are willfully ignorant, they choose to be.
And then my sister goes on about how she could never be a vet and 'see animals suffer'. Fuck sake. So much hypocracy. She's been the most anti veganism and gets quite agressive if I bring it up.
So see people who I've always liked sit there and discuss animals in such a cold way, it was hard for me to switch off and pretend to be OK with the conversation. It's like hearing a bunch of your mates being racist or sexist. They view animals as just things to be eaten and impregnated. Yet were quite happy to pet and play with our dog.