I miss floral gums, you know these little sweets that look like midget gems but smell like perfume... and jelly milk bottles...
they all seem to contain beeswax and gelatine..
life is too unfair, who wants to open a vegan sweet-factory???
I miss floral gums, you know these little sweets that look like midget gems but smell like perfume... and jelly milk bottles...
they all seem to contain beeswax and gelatine..
life is too unfair, who wants to open a vegan sweet-factory???
Yes, every packet of sweets for kids is packed with gelatine, if only they could see what they're eating!
Lots of sweets here!
"Do what you can with what you have where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt
The vegan fizzy cola bottles look good. I think I'll order them and the marshmallows as my daughter has been going on for years about missing marshmallows!
Has anyone ever tried any of the sweets and could tell me which ones are best?
I miss the perfumey ones too!
I ordered the rhubarb and custard sweets. They were just like I remembered! I also had the cola cubes and the "crunchie" (Golden Crunch). Yum!
"Do what you can with what you have where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt
Do the cola cubes taste exactly the same RW? I miss them, I remember being at primary school and my Mum giving me a little white paper bag full of cola cubes at lunch time - only to be eaten after my lunch of course!
sandra, there are some cola cubes at Viva!
Thank you RW and Windfall, I think I'll try them both!
hehe you should!
i dont think the marshmallows are the same - they're nice enough, specially in hot chocolate, but the texture and taste is definately different to regular ones.
the rhubarb and custard are good!
Sandra, have you tried the cola cubes yet? If so, were they any good?
Not yet Windfall, I'm waiting for some money to go into the bank and then I can order a lot of things I need over the internet. As soon as I get them I'll let you know what I think.
I can recommend the 'Biona Wine Gums' which are fruity chews (not like normal Wine Gums atall) from Veganstore, Goodness Direct, etc. Very sweet but made from real fruit juices, and lovely and chewy! .
Has anybody tried the Peanut Chews from Vegan Store? Or that couverture chocolate bar that is supposed to taste like Galaxy? (Viva, Vegan Store Animal Aid).
The (non-fizzy) Cola bottles are excellent (Goodness Direct) - exactly as I remembered! I like tough chewy sweeties - like Fruit Gums, not soft like
Jelly Babies. I wish they made Fruit Gums without gelatine.
While the Biona Wine Gums had a very good chewy texture I thought they all tasted the same - regardless of colour.
Has anybody had any other tough chewy sweeties?
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi.
Hi meggymaggoo, I got a bag of American hard gums in the CO-OP during the summer, that were suitable for vegans. They were the CO-OP's own brand, they were lovely, nice and chewy. The flavours were nice but not really very distinctive though.
Oooh, oooh! Must have. NEED!
Thank you paws on yer nose Sandra!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi.
Hope you like them meggy, let me know what you think of them.
I tried to buy some peanut chews (if you mean the "snickers" bars?) but they had run out of stock.
As for the choc bar, see here.
"Do what you can with what you have where you are."
- Theodore Roosevelt
I've tried just about every Vegan sweet/chocolate! .
I bought a huge box of those Peanut bars but after i while i got very bored with them, they are a bit too hard for my liking anyway.
To be honest I do have a sweet tooth but if I had to chose between sweets and Cheezly as a treat, the Cheezly always wins! .
I gorge on sweets so I don't buy them much now, instead I have ice-cream as I can eat it sensibly.
The Veganstore Liquorice Allsorts are lovely, by the way, I do make the odd exception for them! .
hooray for cheezly!
I donīt eat sweets to often, I donīt like chocolate very much, I much prefer snacks that contain a lot of salt!
I did try the "after midnight espresso truffles" though as I got some for my birthday, and they were looovely
I shall let you know Sandra - when I get hold of some!
PygmyGoat - if those Peanut Chew bars were too hard for you I might like them! What was the flavour like though?
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi.
Sorry I meant to say THANKS for the link Redwellies
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi.
The flavour was good, Meggy, like a 'Snickers'/'Marathon' flavour I think, just much harder with a crunchy/chewy texture (hope that makes sense! ).
where are those peanut chew bars from? =)
^ I got them from Veganstore.
Ooooh, they do sound LOVELY! This thread is not helping with my abstinence from all things chocolatey and sweet - not one bite, I mean BIT!
"Be the change you wish to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi.
Sorry - I have a Cheezly delivery coming tomorrow so I'll be happy!!